Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Hunger Games

For Christmas, I gave my momma a list of 3 things.
Converse high tops, a DVD player, and the book The Hunger Games.
She was awesome and got me all three things, and then some.

So on Christmas night, I started reading my new book.
I just read a chapter before bed cause it was Christmas and I was tired.
The next day, I read a couple more chapters.
Sunday, I read half the book.
And then I finished it yesterday.
Um, I loved it.
I don't think I've been this into reading a book since I read Twilight.
Well, technically Breaking Dawn, but you get the point.

So, I was going to wait to get the second book, Catching Fire, until we went shopping on Thursday, but I couldn't wait that long.
I went to Btown and got it today.
Only to find out from my momma that she already bought it for me for Valentine's Day.
She said she thought she was going to be on top of things and ahead of herself. Guess she didn't figure that I would read this one so quickly.

Anyways, Peeta Mellark is quickly making his way to my list of fictional boyfriends.
He'd be joining some pretty awesome people.
Ron and Ed and Jim Halpert and all.
Seems like a good party to me.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Twi-nerd moment of the week.

Yo, I'm getting ready to do some spoiling right now.
So, if you are one of the 5 people in the world who hasn't read Breaking Dawn and HP and the Deathly Hallows, I'd stop reading now.

The other day in the shower (I have my best/most random thoughts in the shower) I was thinking about Breaking Dawn.
It is best to not ask questions.
Anyways, the main thought I was having was about the name "Renesmee".
It's a weird name, right?
But then again, she's a weird baby, so she deserves a weird name, right?
Anyhoo, I was thinking about Edward's thoughts on this name.
Because I feel that at the time it was brought up as a possibility, he didn't really think the baby and probably Bella would live.
So therefore, he wouldn't have to deal with his child being named "Renesmee".
And why bring up the stupidity of the name with your dying wife?

So, then I started thinking about after Renesmee was born and everyone was all good and living.
I bet you Edward was all crazy then.
Cause now he has to live with the fact that his kid is named Renesmee.
I bet he was all like, "Ahh poops.* Now we have to actually call the kid that now. I thought she was only kidding at first but apparently this is for real."

Also, I think this is what Ginny Weasley-Potter thought as well.
I'm pretty positive she thought Harry was only joking when he suggested Albus Severus for their child's name.
Only to find out a little too late that he wasn't.

*Yeah, Ed Cullen totally says "Ahh poops".

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sometimes I.....

1. Sometimes I wear purple tights.

Momma's gonna think I'm crazy.

2. Sometimes I think I should always wear a sign that says "I'm an art major."

Yesterday, I was out taking pictures. For my project I have been going to thrift stores. But after I did all that, I had some film left over. So I drove around town taking pictures of things I found. People kept looking at me. I did not care.

3. Sometimes I wear dresses in the middle of December because I don't want to put on real pants.

Pants are overrated. And leggings are more comfortable.
That's why I wore a dress today.

4. Sometimes I laugh at little Whitney and Abby.

Do you see how cute we were?!
Apparently I've liked plaid since the beginning of my years.

5. Sometimes I take fun pictures for Photography class.

I'll make a long post of some of them this weekend sometime.
I also just wanted to say, I don't like being in the dark room by myself late at night.
I'll be the first to admit to you that I am scared of the dark. And I have quite the imagination. So being in the dark for long hours at nighttime is scary business. I scared myself more than anything.

6. Sometimes I make fun things for Taylor's family members.
I can't tell you what it is yet in case someone stumble upon this here blog I have.
But just know, it is fantastic.
After Christmas, I will reveal.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Sad face.

Remember this lovely dress I found and fell in love with?
And decided that if I got moneys for Christmas I would buy it?

Well, I just got back on Modcloth, and it is out of stock.
Apparently other people thought it was fantastic as well.

I am a very sad lady right now.

On a better note, I found another one similar that I like too.
Although, it will probably be sold out soon as well....

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Sing-Off.

Umm...yes please.
After their opening song I was already in love.
I mean..you sing some Queen and you pretty much have me already.

Ben Folds as a judge?!
I love me some Ben Folds.
Thanks to Erin letting me borrow her cd.
Kaitlin and I think he should just sing us his critiques.

I love A Capella groups.
True Men, the all male A Capella group on campus, had their winter concert Friday night.
Goodness, I could listen to them sing all day.

My goal for Christmas break is to watch Glee.
I missed this season because of class and all, so I'm definitely going to catch up when I'm sitting at home with nothing to do.

Alright, well now that I have supplied you with a randomtastic post, I have finals to study for.
Boo finals.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Dear Taylor Lautner,

Hi. I just finished watching you on Saturday Night Live. Yeah, I had to watch it a day later. Sorry, but I have other things to do on Saturday nights than watch tv. That's why I'm thankful for hulu.

Anyways, I just wanted to say you were brilliant. Really. I hadn't watched an episode of SNL all the way through for a really long time. Now I'm starting to wonder why. You brought the funny. And the karate/ninja moves. Those were sweet. Plus, you totally made fun of Twilight. And yourself. Which calls for total win.

So, you know, thanks for making me laugh. Thanks for making out with a picture of Edward Cullen. Thanks for making me realize how awesome SNL is now.


PS-- When are you going to start talking Rob into hosting the show?? I'm trusting you to get on that.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

I am cold. Freezing to be exact. When I get a text from Taylor at 7 in the morning when he is up for work saying that it is 2 degrees outside, I don't want to get out of bed. That actually happened yesterday. And I actually stayed in bed until I absolutely had to get up and walk to class. Brrrrrrrr it was cold.

We also have snow here. It snowed a lot a couple of days ago. I mean, if I didn't have to walk to class and all, I would love the snow. It is really pretty. I like to go and play and have snowball fights and build snowmen. But instead, I have to freeze as I walk to class. Maybe over Christmas break I can enjoy the snow more. Actually, I probably will go and play in it over break.

I want to go take pictures of all the decorations and snow and everything. This photography class has taught me how much I like to take pictures of things. I will have to use my little digital camera for this outing though, since my film camera I use for my class is only black and white. And I feel that color pictures will work better for showing the fancy lights and everything. I may do this soon.

Our little apartment is all dressed up for the holiday. We have the little tree in the living room and the lights up and bows. Last Christmas time, Mom gave me a little Charlie Brown tree. I put it up in my room so I can feel the holiday spirit in there too.

Well, hello Robert Pattinson in my magazine basket.

Is it weird that it was like 30 degrees today, and I found that kinda warm?? And found it not necessary to wear a coat or boots??

Monday, December 7, 2009


It is mine.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

Hastings, the all around entertainment store in this here town, was not having a midnight party for the release of the DVD.
I was not a happy camper.
When Erin and I went to ask, we mentioned that they had a midnight opening for Twilight.
The worker girl thought it was only fair then for them to have one for Harry Potter.
Well, after asking two other people, we came to the conclusion that they were not.
Come on!
It's Harry Potter people!
You're in a college town!
Where most of those students are probably Harry Potter nerds!
Apparently, Twilight is more important to Hastings.

But anyways, WalMarks had it, so we're all good.
Although the chick putting them out was a little crazy and slightly rude.
I was this close (really close) to just snatching one up out of the box and going with it.
Oh well, I've got it now.

Although I'm still a little upset that people aren't giving it as much attention as they did Twilight or will New Moon.
Maybe I'll talk about that more at a later time.....

Saturday, December 5, 2009


I have found a new love in online clothing browsing.
I mean, I've done it before. Obviously.
But I discovered modcloth.com here recently.
And I love to look at their dresses.
They are really cute and pretty.
That's right. Cute and pretty.
And I just found this one.

I want this dress so so so so bad.
It's houndstooth and really cute and I want it.
I can already see myself pairing it with tights and looking all cute.
However, it is around $50.
Which is 50 more dollars that I have to spend on a dress right now.
And I am extremely saddened by this.

Maybe I will get some moneys for Christmas and I can buy it.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thanks Erin.

Erin let me borrow her computer for my iMovie project.
Since she has a mac, and I don't.
And when I get on Erin's computer, I have to hit up photobooth.
Because it is always fun times.
This is what Kaitlin and I did when I was supposed to be working on my project and Erin was in bed.

Yep...I will be purchasing a Macbook the moment I have the chance.

Monday, November 30, 2009

I'm going (slightly) deep. And a lot of stressful.

There is only two weeks of classes left before finals. I have not decided how I feel about that. I don't think I have actually gotten into the swing of things since summer vacation, and now all of a sudden we are almost to Christmas break.

Several things are starting to stress me out. Normally, I am a very calm person. I can just breathe and be ok. Now, however, I'm starting to stress out. I made a list in my math class today of everything I have to get done by Wednesday, and it was a long list. Then I started scheduling times when I could do all those things by Wednesday, and it was crammed. I hate the end of the semester. All of the professors try to cram in last minute projects, and my procrastinating ways are not good for that. I have a fibers piece that I have to knock out in two weeks, and I haven't even started sketching for it yet.

Not only do I have to do all this stuff for classes, my roommates are graduating in a couple of weeks. And leaving me. I do not like this. I will miss these ladies so much. They are who I hang out with at this here place. They are who I laugh with at the stupidest things. They are who I have long, deep discussions with about the jersey numbers of the Quidditch players. I will miss them so much.

I graduate with my undergrad in May. I am both excited and terrified of this. I think I'm ready to go out in the real world and do things. I'm ready to be done with classes. However, I am going to miss college. I love college. I love this college. And I am going to miss being here.

Since I am graduating with my undergrad in May, I will hopefully be starting grad school in August. And I haven't even began to fill out the application for that. I have had no motivation to do it. And I don't know why. I need to do it. That is my goal for Christmas break. And it will get done. It has to get done.

I would by lying if I said I wasn't scared. I have no idea what I'm going to do if I don't even get into grad school. I have no idea what I'm going to do if I don't find a job after grad school. I don't know where I want to teach, I just know I want to. Part of me wants to go back home, because I love the town and my family is all there. But the other part of me wants to branch out, and try something new. Go on a little adventure. I guess we will just see when it gets here.

Breathe Whitney. Just breathe.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Because we're cool.

Erin and I are fanstastically awesome people.
Because we sit here and speculate about the lives of famous people.
Our favorite people to discuss?
None other than The Twilight Trio.
With some added Dakota Fanning for good measure.

So, Erin is sitting here reading my/Taylor's copy of Entertainment Weekly with RPatz, KStew, and TLaut on the cover.
That is actually what we call them. And DFan.
And we think that is what they call each other.

Actually, we just decided to make a blog of this.
Go here.

Also, I just got Erin into blogging.
And I was the one that got her into Twilight.
I win.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Celebrity Crushes.

We all love a good looking celebrity.
At least I do.

You know, a little Zefron...

A little P. Wesley....

Mixed in with some Rupert G.
(I'm a fan of the red hair. And the fact that he's wearing a Harry shirt here.)

And, of course, some added RPatz
Can I just say that I love the scruff here. And his sweater. I love a man in a nice sweater. And the fact that he's probably picking something out of his teeth.

Now, these are my celebrity crushes.
Would you like me to reveal my momma's number 1?

That's right.
Donny Osmond.
She's liked him since she was a youngen.
And we are currently sitting here waiting for the results of Dancing with the Stars, which Donny is competing in and is in the finals.
If he wins, this house is going crazy.
And by "this house", I mean Momma.

I'm just gonna sit here and stare at some Paul Wesley abs for a while.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What I do to my friends.

My friend got me into Twilight.
Well, kinda.
When I found out Robert Pattinson, aka Cedric Diggory, was going to be in the movie, I decided it would be a good idea to see it. And read it, I guess.
And she let me borrow her books.
And we go see the movies together and talk about it a lot.
Anyways, I always give her a hard time about how I like Jacob and she doesn't.
So I sent her a little package in the mail the other day.

It all started with this card I found in WalMarks.
That I knew I had to get for her.

(On the inside it says something along the lines of "Treat. Definitely Treat.")

Then, I decided to make a shirt for her.
She is entirely Team Edward.

And finally, I decided to write her a little poem.
It took me all of about 10 minutes to write this while I was in the shower.

I hope she wears that shirt tomorrow.
Whoop whoop.

Monday, November 16, 2009

I heart the weekends.

I'm usually soooo busy with school stuff during the week, that the weekends are the best.
Let me fill you in on what I did this past weekend, and then the plans for the upcoming weekend.

Past weekend:
On Friday night, I didn't really do much.
I think we may have gone out to eat, and I probably did some homework.
I had to go to bed early cause I took the Praxis on Saturday morning.
Friday wasn't all that productive.

Saturday morning, I woke up at the (not so) grand time of 6:45 in the am.
The Praxis started at 7:30, so I threw on some sweats and headed on over there.
Now, the Praxis is the senior test that us art majors have to take before we graduate.
I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter how well we do on it, they just want to know what we have learned.
However, since I am going to be getting my teaching certificate, I have to take this anyways.
I have a feeling that I will be taking this again at a later date.
I had no idea I was lacking so much in my art history knowledge.
Anyways, after the test, a nap was required.
And then laundry was in order.
Saturday evening was a ball.
E-ron and I got all cute and fancy and went to see Regina Spektor on campus.
I like her a lot.
I also liked her opening band, Jupiter One.
Let me tell you a little about Plaid Shirt Guy.
Soo, in Jupiter One, one of the guitarists was the hotness from where we were sitting.
We couldn't really see him well, but from his wardrobe, he was awesome.
I don't know what it is, but something about a nice plaid shirt makes me happy.
I can already tell I'm going to be supplying Taylor with a couple come Christmas day.
Anyways, Plaid Shirt Guy was also wearing the perfect pair of jeans.
Seriously, he knew how to dress.
After the concert, we decided to go rent a movie and make some drinks and lay in our pjs.
And while we watched I Love You Beth Cooper, I colored in my Harry Potter coloring book.
Check it:

Sunday, we started off the day with Church, obviously.
Best way to start your Sunday.
I witnessed the cutest thing in Church.
There was this family, consisting of a couple, their daughter, and granddaughter.
They all couldn't fit into one pew, so Grandpa went to sit in another pew across the aisle.
When we went to say The Lord's Prayer, he moved over so he could say it with his wife and hold her hand in prayer.
It was cute.
Turns out there was enough room in that pew, so he got to sit with the family the rest of the time.
After Church, Erin and I did our usual McD's lunch meal and headed to the WalMarks for some groceries.
The rest of the day was a relaxing homework day.
On Sunday nights, the Baptist church in town has free dinner for college students.
And you don't have to be Baptist, which is good, since I'm not.
Anyways, it's amazing.
This week they had chili. Which is amazing on a chilly day.
(I could have went a little nerdy there and said "chili day", but didn't.)
After dinner, I had to go to the library to work on things.
Since it was rainy, I decided to sport my rain boots.
And since I still had on my church clothing, I just added them to the outfit.
Erin said I looked stupid.
I think it's hot.

Erin told me a pair of boots would look cute with my outfit (I agreed).
Apparently this was not what she had in mind.

So now that you know all the semi-fascinating things I did this past weekend, let us look ahead.
On Friday I get to go home!
I haven't been home in a couple of weeks.
I miss my bf.
But I get to see him Friday!
And we have a lot of events planned.
Me and Taylor and a couple of our friends are going to head out and eat good foods.
Then, we are viewing this movie called New Moon.
I've heard a little about it, I think, so it should be good.
Taylor is even getting excited.
Earlier, we had a lovely text conversation when he was on his lunch break at work.
In our texting, he said that he saw a New Moon trailer yesterday and reminded me that Rob was on Ellen on Friday.
I'm glad he supports me and my celebrity crushes.
He also reminded me that I still owe him for him seeing Twilight and now New Moon with me.
Should be interesting.

Dang, that was long.

Friday, November 13, 2009


Happy New Moon Week.
Get excited.
Bought my tickets last week.
We are watching on Friday at 9:30 in the pm.
Woot woot.

I went to Brookfield theatre website to see what time they were playing the movie.
The "poster" they had online wasn't even the real movie poster.
It was a fan made poster.
Classy. And professional.
But we're not going there.
Cause they didn't even have the movie times up.

I like how Ellen has a countdown to Rob on her show.
When I was watching last week, I kept seeing "__ days til Robert Pattinson!"
I got excited every time I saw it.
AND Kellen Lutz in on on Wednesday.
And D Fanning on today.
It's a Twilight week on Ellen.
Woot woot again.

Funny Story:
I bought the Vanity Fair magazine yesterday.
You know, the one with all the Rob hotness in it.
Yeah, well I was going to just go to WalMarks so I could use the self-checkout that is so handy when you don't want to be judged on what you are buying.
Well, WalMarks didn't have them out yet.
And I had seen that the bookstore here in town did have them out.
So I just decided to get it there.
Well, Erin wanted me to pick her up a copy too.
Cause, you know, we all need our own little bit of Rob hotness.
So not only was I buying one magazine, I was buying TWO magazines.
I chose what line I went through by which cashier looked like they would judge me less.
And I didn't make any eye contact.
Totally worth it though.
Cause that article and pictures were fantastic.

Well, I need to get some studying in before Ellen comes on.

We must be over the rainbow!

Ever since I was a young young lady, The Wizard of Oz has been my favorite movie.
Seriously, I can't tell you the number of times I have dressed up as Dorothy for Halloween.
Well, it is on TV tonight.
And tomorrow night. And Sunday night.
This is why I like the holidays.
Cause apparently it is a holiday movie....

Anyways, both of my parents called/texted me to make sure I was watching.
First, Momma called, telling me it was on.
Then, Dad texted, asking if I was watching.
It made me happy.
They even had a couple of trivia questions during the movie, and I got both of them right.
Goodness, I'm a nerd.

It really is my favorite movie.
It's just so colorful and fun.
And it is fantasy, and we know how much I love fantasy.
Momma once told me that the reason I loved fantasy so much was because
I "like to be in my own little world".
She's pretty much right.

Monday, November 9, 2009

One of my favorite people.

Ellen Degeneres
I try my hardest to watch her show everyday.
And I learned yesterday that Kellen Lutz is going to be on on the 18th.
So it's Kellen on the 18th and Rob on the 20th.
Greatest couple of days in my life.

Anywhoosits, I watched her on Oprah today, and I love her.
She said something that I totally agree with and try to do everyday.
They were talking about how Ellen was scaring a lot of people on her show during Halloween week.
Seriously, did you see her scare Taylor Swift?
Funniest thing ever.

Anyways, she said that she found it important to try and stay childlike and play.
That people stop playing when they get older, but they shouldn't.

I totally, 100% agree with this.
Life is too short to not have fun and play.
I feel that's how I am now.
I like to act like a child, laugh, and have a grand ole time.
I try to not take things too seriously when they don't need to be.
I try my hardest to find the happy and positive things in situations.
And I think that is important.

Ellen also got me interested in making a "life list".
You know, a list of things you want to do before you die.
In my health class a couple of semesters ago, we actually had to write and turn one in.
I had seriously thought of this list beforehand, so that wasn't a hard assignment.
Here's my list of 21 things:

1) Visit France. This has actually branched out to just visit Europe, especially England.
2) Go to the Ellen show (yep, there you go!)
3) Tour a movie set
4) Create my own cartoon
5) Visit every Disney theme park. So far I have just been to DisneyWorld a couple of times.
6) Write a children's book
7) Go skydiving
8) Go to the Olympic games
9) Have artwork in a museum
10) Start and finish the same book in one day. I tried this over the summer. Almost, but not quite.
11) Learn to play guitar
12) Meet someone famous
13) Learn piano
14) Learn to write left handed
15) Visit all 50 states
16) Be on a game show
17) Go to a Broadway play
18) Learn French. I pretty much have that. I'm not fluent by all means, but I can say some things..
19) Design a set for a TV show or movie
20) Go on a cruise
21) Own an old truck

There you have it.
Thank you Ellen for inspiring me.
And now I tell you all this:
Go and be silly.
Scare the bajeesas out of people when they are going into the bathroom.
Color. Watch cartoons. Built fantastic forts.
Do funny walks to your car in the parking lot.
Dance and sing like crazy.
You only have one life to live.
Make it a good time.

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Vampire Diaries

You're about to get two posts from me is a very short amount of time, I'm aware.
However, I just finished watching The Vampire Diaries, and HAD to share with someone.
My roommate is now into the show, but she missed the episode tonight, so I have to wait until she watches it online this weekend to discuss with her.
And I can't wait that long.
This post is going to contain so many spoilers, so read at your own risk.

I have so many questions!!!!

What the hale Damon?
Don't go killing Stefan's bff.
I may or may not have cursed out loud when that happened.
And called Damon names.
And I was starting to really like Damon!!

What the hale?!
Going and killing your brother?!
Is he really dead?
He can't be dead.
Can he??

What the craps was that all about??
Did she really just wake up in the cemetery?
And what is the deal with this necklace thinger that Damon is so determined to get back?
And why does it keep shocking people?

I fell even harder for Stefan in the beginning of that episode y'all.
First, he flashed his abs.
That's really all it took.
He was looking ultra smexy tonight.
At least I found him ultra smexy tonight.
And he was playing pool and smiling
and then Damon ruined it all.

Alright, that's all.
I got to go to bed now.
I'm still all wound up on this.
You wanna talk about it, leave a comment.
We can be friends who talk about The Vampire Diaries.
And my love for Paul Wesley.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Will somebody please buy me this?

You can get this as a poster!!
I'd totally hang it up in my living room.

For those of you that don't know, this is what Michael Scott gave Jim and Pam for their wedding on The Office.
It is a lovely portrait of the happy couple.
He painted it himself.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Everyday should be like Halloween.

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays.
Getting all dressed up in costumes is fun.
This year I had two costumes.
On Friday night, one of the groups Erin is in had their semi-formal and it was obviously a costume party.
I was Hermione. Erin was a flapper.

Snape and I dueled.
And we did fun things like this:

On actual Halloween, I had a different costume in mind.
I posted about this earlier, like in August.
So, if you didn't figure out my idea then, here you go:

Yep. KStew herself.
I changed up my inspiration for what I was wearing.
Here you go:

The only thing I had to buy for this was the plaid shirt.
From the men's department at the thrift store.

Erin followed me around and was my paparazzi.

So, Erin went as a football player on actual Halloween.
And she asked me to braid her hair for her.
Well, as I was braiding, this was said:

Erin: You better make it look good.
Me: Whatever, you can do it yourself.
Erin: You know what?! I'm going to iron your KStew shirt!

Turns out, the shirt I bought was wrinkle-free.
Really, I didn't even look to see what size it was when I bought it.
I didn't figure that really mattered much.

Goodness, that was the best Halloween costume idea that I have ever had.

And this is a side note for all you fellas out there.
Putting on two polos with popped collars, wearing sunglasses, wearing a hat/visor with the bill to the side and going as a "tool" is not acceptable in my book.
I saw about 5 different guys wearing this same costume on Friday night.
However, dressing up as Dwight Schrute?
Two thumbs up.

Friday, October 30, 2009


It's that time of the week again.
The time where I predict who will win the football games this weekend.
Now, last time I did this, I did amazing.
I only predicted two wrong.
The Chiefs lost (surprise surprise) and Washington lost (I don't really know if that is a surprise or not..)
So I'm thinkin my method is awesome.

Here we go.
My predictions of who is going to win based on which quarterback I like better.

Denver (Kyle Orton) vs. Baltimore (Joe Flacco): Denver (cause he has a beard....)
New York Giants (Eli Manning) vs. Philadelphia (Kevin Kolb): New York Giants
Houston (Matt Schaub) vs. Buffalo (Trent Edwards): Buffalo
Cleveland (Derek Anderson) vs. Chicago (Jay Cutler): Cleveland
Seattle (Matt Hasselbeck) vs. Dallas (Tony Romo): Dallas
Miami (Chad Pennington) vs. New York Jets (Mark Sanchez): New York Jets
San Fransisco (Shaun Hill) vs. Indianapolis (Peyton Manning): Indianapolis
St Louis (Marc Bulger) vs. Detroit (Matthew Stafford): Detroit
Oakland (JaMarcus Russell) vs. San Diego (Philip Rivers): Oakland
Jacksonville (David Garrard) vs. Tennessee (Kerry Collins): Jacksonville
Minnesota (Brett Farve) vs. Green Bay (Aaron Rodgers): Green Bay
Carolina (Jake Delhomme) vs. Arizona (Kurt Warner): Arizona
Atlanta (Matt Ryan) vs. New Orleans (Drew Brees): New Orleans (I found a picture of him with Carlton Banks. That is why I pick him.)

Note: I look all of these guys up on Google images. I find that better than looking at those awesomely bad pictures of them on nfl.com.

Another note: Some of these were hard to chose. In both the good and bad.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Twilight Commentary: Erin and Whitney Style

So my roommate Erin and I watched Twilight a while back.
And by "watched" I mean we had it playing and were only 3/4 paying attention.
Well, we decided that we needed to make our own commentary to the movie, so as we watched I wrote down little snippets of what we said.
Most of them were inappropriate.

Here are the best lines:

She just had an orgasm right there.

Angela: Seriously, don't waist your time..
Us: I'd waste my time...

He's totally gonna barf.

Well, looky there!

And Bella....Bella likes twizzlers.
(if you don't know where this is from, watch this.)

Edward: I'm on a very strict diet.
Us: It's probably marijuana.

B!tch, you better say it!

And I won't post our most inappropriate/controversial/scandalous one.
Erin went a little crazy.
After this part we got bored and kinda stopped.

Because I like you:

Note: We don't think Ed does marijuana...

I got all these lovely pictures from edwardandbella.net.
Check 'em out.


I'm chuck full of ideas.
OK, not really.
But I did come up with a brilliant one today.
Here it is:
Lately I have been wanting to cut down on my soda drinking.
I have also been wanting to buy a lot of new music.
Therefore, I am going to start saving up the money I would be using on soda to buy new music.
At the end of the month, I will add up the change and probably have enough to buy a some songs on iTunes or some cheap albums on Amazon.
It is a win-win situation!
Healthier with the no soda business.
Happier with the more musics business.
I need to get a jar.

I function better when I make a list of things I need to do.
So, sorry, but here is my list of what I have to accomplish soon.
Just bare with me. You can skip over this if you want.
-math homework (tonight)
-meet with Wilber (tomorrow)
-develop film (Wednesday)
-drawings for Fibers project (tonight/tomorrow morning)
-Fibers blog (tonight/tomorrow)
-study for Praxis (before Nov 14)
-Senior Seminar presentation (before December)
-Senior portfolio (before Nov 10)
-register for next semester classes (tomorrow)
-pay library fee (tomorrow)
-Education concept maps (weekend?)
-Education iMovie(weekend?)

The funniest thing ever happened in my class tonight.
There is this kid in my class that talks all. the. time.
A lot.
Well, today my professor called him out on it.
We were supposed to be reading this article quietly so we could discuss later.
Well, Talking Kid started talking again and my professor goes,
"You know, I bet your classmates would like it if you were quiet so they could read."
We all started laughing a lot.
Inside I wanted to cheer.

I'm totally into School of Wizardry on facebook.
You know how everyone plays that Farmville game??
Well, I said screw that cause my plants kept dying.
And now I play School of Wizardry.
Cause it is obviously cooler.
I'm a level 12 second year.
And I have a property.
I'm pretty cool.
I just read this:
"You made it to year two! You have a little more experience now, but beware there are still many unknowns. Don't forget to study and keep up your grades."
I like how it warns me to actually get off there sometimes and do my homework.
I may or may not post that story to MLIA.

Ok, going to go work on that list up there now.
Peace out Girl Scout.
Or Boy Scout, depending.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Dear Pandora Radio,
Hi. How come we didn't become friends a lot earlier? You are now one of my favorite websites. Just so you know.

Keep on rockin' them tunes,

PS- This limited number of hours I can play music each month might be hard to maintain...


Dear Robert Pattinson,
Hey. How's life? Today I found someone who didn't know your name. I seriously didn't think that was possible, seeing as you are everywhere I look. I mean, I can walk through WalMart and see your face on at least 10 different things. There are about 5 posters in the poster reel thingy, a Robert Pattinson calender, and not to mention the fact that every magazine has something about you on the cover. How could anybody not recognize your name?

See your face next time I walk through WalMarks,

PS- Don't worry. When I told her you were Cedric Diggory, she knew exactly who you were. We're HP fans in these parts.


Dear Ellen Degeneres,
Hi. I love you. And your show. I hear Robert Pattinson is going to be on in November again. I'm stoked. Last time he was on was one of my favorite interviews of him. I have one simple request for this time that he is on. Because, you see, I feel that this time he will be familiar with the concept of your show. I just ask that you get him to dance. Because who doesn't want to see that cat dance it up? I mean, even his dad was dancing last time around. Just a little jig is all I'm asking for.

I'm counting on you,


Dear Robert Pattinson,
I know. You're getting two letters on one post. Feel special. Did you read what I just told Ellen there?? You should remember that. Because Ellen is big on dancing. One of the great things I love about her. And normally the guests she has on the show will do a little dance when they come out. I'm just sayin. Give us a little something. You can take dance lessons from your dad if you need to.

Looking forward to seeing you break it down,


Dear Math,
Yeah....I still don't like you.....


Saturday, October 24, 2009

You play American football??

(If you can name where the post title is from, you get a high five.)

So, I wanna start this new thing.
I love watching football.
On the professional level, I don't really have a team.
And I don't really pay attention to what teams are good and which are bad (ahem...the chiefs..)
But I want to start predicting who will win the games each week.
But I will do it my own way.

At my mom's work, sometimes she gets in on the football pot.
And while all the men pick based on actual stats and stuff, my mom picks her teams based on their colors and the uniforms.
She would pick the team with the manliest colors or the one with the better uniform.
I actually think she won a couple of times.

I, however, will pick based on the quarterback.
Which ever quarterback I like better is the team I will pick.
I know I'm kinda starting this in mid-season, but oh well.
It will still be fun.
So here we go:
(note: I just went to nfl.com for the first time ever..)

Green Bay (Aaron Rodgers) vs Cleveland (Derek Anderson): Green Bay (Rodgers is my momma's maiden name..)
San Diego (Philip Rivers) vs Kansas City (Matt Cassel): Chiefs (come on KC...I'm countin on ya to win two weeks in a row)
Indianapolis (Peyton Manning) vs St Louis (Marc Bulger): Indianapolis
New England (Tom Brady) vs Tampa Bay (Byron Leftwich): New England (Taylor would kill me if I picked other wise....)
Minnesota (Brett Favre) vs Pittsburgh (Ben Roethlisberger): Pittsburgh (He has a cooler name..)
San Fransisco (Shaun Hill) vs Houston (Matt Schaub): Houston
Buffalo (Trent Edwards) vs Carolina (Jake Delhomme): Buffalo
New York Jets (Mark Sanchez) vs Oakland (JaMarcus Russell): New York Jets
Chicago (Jay Cutler) vs Cincinnati (Carson Palmer): Cincinnati
Atlanta (Matt Ryan) vs Dallas (Tony Romo): Dallas
New Orleans (Drew Brees) vs Miami (Chad Pennington): New Orleans
Arizona (Kurt Warner) vs New York Giants (Eli Manning): Arizona
Philadelphia (Kevin Kolb) vs Washington (Jason Campbell): Washington

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I just have to share this with you

The other day I was showing my friend Amanda the New Moon trailer.
And since Taylor was there, and he is oh so interested in New Moon now, he got to watch too.
While we were waiting for the video to load, Taylor and I had the following exchange of words:

ME: Taylor Lautner is pretty hot for a 17 year old.
HIM: You know, they put people in jail for that.

Ahh well.
During the trailer he also commented on the fact that Jacob wasn't wearing a shirt most of the time.
No worries, I informed him that there was a lot of half-nakedness in the movie.
Including a little bit from Rob...

You know what I bought the other day?
Oh, just the New Moon soundtrack.
Yep, went out and snatched it up on Friday.
I could have snatched it up on Thursday, since the B-town WalMarks put it out a day early.
But, sadly, I didn't bring my debit card in with me.
No worries. I just went back Friday.

I have a busy week ahead of me.
Projects due, take GRE Saturday, ugh
This is my schedule for the remainder of the week:
Tuesday (today)
morning-noon: Fibers project
noon-1:30: lunch, go turn in my math homework
1:30-4:30: Fibers class; work on project
4:30-6: stay and continue working on fibers project
6: dinner
7-bedtime: fibers project

8:30-11:20: PE and Photography classes
11:30-1:30: lunch, get ready for going to Illinois
1:30-3: Math class
3:30: pick Erin up from class, head to Illinois for funeral
After returning home: finish anything on fibers project

Morning: finish Fibers project if needed
1:30-4:30: Fibers class; turn in project
4:30: Fibers Club meeting
5-bedtime: dinner, study for GRE, watch The Vampire Diaries

8:30-11:20: PE and Photography classes
11:30-12:30: lunch
12:30-2: Go take pictures
2-7: Study GRE
7-9: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince!
9-10:30: Study for GRE
10:30: Bed time (that is the earliest I have ever been to bed on a Friday...you'll see why)

7:30 AM: Go take GRE
After GRE: take nap
4: Emily's wedding

Alright, I'm already behind schedule.
Remember the times when I didn't feel tired all the time?!
Yeah, those were good times..

Thursday, October 15, 2009


So you know how I'm in a photography class this semester?
Well, I am.
And I love it.
We use 35 mm black and white film and get to develop and print our pictures ourselves.
We're just getting around to having our first project due, so I thought I would share some of my pictures with you.

For the semester, we had to pick a theme that we wanted to take pictures of for the whole semester.
I chose to go to thrift and antique stores and take pictures of what I find in there.
Here you go:That Spiderman one...yeah it's my favorite.
And my professor loves it too.
Spiderman is the greatest...

The last one isn't done yet.
I still have some work to do to it.

Now, I have to just pick 4 of these pictures to turn in.
I can't decide if I want to just pick the 4 that I have finished, or if I want to work some more on that last one and not turn in a different one..

Eventually, I'll get pictures of my fibers projects up here.
My first project for the semester was just an experimental piece, and it does not look good, so you don't get to see it.
This next project that I'm working on is lookin pretty good, so I'll take pictures of it when it is finished.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Oh, I just built a fort on Friday. What did you do?

Erin and I were home by ourselves on Friday night.
So, instead of going out on the Friday of Homecoming week like every other college student on campus, we stayed home and built a fort.
It was the best decision we have ever made.

Check it:
(Ignore our awesomely plaid furniture. We're poor college students who will take what we get.)

Erin is excited about upcoming fun in the fort:

And now for a trip inside:

We watched Dirty Dancing.
Obviously a great movie.
P. Swayze had some awesome dance skills.

Fort essentials:
Harry Potter coloring book and coloring supplies (crayons and colored pencils)
Food (waffle fries)
Computer (optional)

Yes, we slept in the fort on Friday night.
Yes, we are 21 and 22 years old.

We got up on Saturday morning and decided to not go to the Homecoming parade.
We thought it was a better idea to sleep in warmth than go and freeze our rumps off watching cars drive by.

PS: Y'all, it is freezing here.
I'm pretty sure it is going to snow soon.
Cause, you know, I have awesome skills and can tell when it is going to snow, and I'm tellin ya that it is.
It is freakin October, and I'm not ready for snow.
I would really like to not have to break out the snow boots yet.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Carry on!

Here lately I haven't really been watching all that much tv.
I'm just too busy with school and all to actually sit down and watch a show.
And what I usually do watch is just Home Improvement when I'm home for lunch.
Or Ellen when I'm getting ready.
However, I have designated Thursday night as TV Night.
Here is my Thursday night TV schedule:

7:00 pm: The Vampire Diaries
I've talked before on here about my new love for this show.
And Stefan Salvatore.

8:00 pm: The OfficeOh My Gosh!
Jim and Pam!
They're getting married!
I have never been more excited for two fictional characters to get together since Ron and Hermione.

9:00 pm: Project Runway
Tim Gunn: Please be my best friend.
And give me fashion tips.
But please don't knock my bad style/sweatpants.

PS- Go HERE for something fun I wrote.