Monday, November 16, 2009

I heart the weekends.

I'm usually soooo busy with school stuff during the week, that the weekends are the best.
Let me fill you in on what I did this past weekend, and then the plans for the upcoming weekend.

Past weekend:
On Friday night, I didn't really do much.
I think we may have gone out to eat, and I probably did some homework.
I had to go to bed early cause I took the Praxis on Saturday morning.
Friday wasn't all that productive.

Saturday morning, I woke up at the (not so) grand time of 6:45 in the am.
The Praxis started at 7:30, so I threw on some sweats and headed on over there.
Now, the Praxis is the senior test that us art majors have to take before we graduate.
I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter how well we do on it, they just want to know what we have learned.
However, since I am going to be getting my teaching certificate, I have to take this anyways.
I have a feeling that I will be taking this again at a later date.
I had no idea I was lacking so much in my art history knowledge.
Anyways, after the test, a nap was required.
And then laundry was in order.
Saturday evening was a ball.
E-ron and I got all cute and fancy and went to see Regina Spektor on campus.
I like her a lot.
I also liked her opening band, Jupiter One.
Let me tell you a little about Plaid Shirt Guy.
Soo, in Jupiter One, one of the guitarists was the hotness from where we were sitting.
We couldn't really see him well, but from his wardrobe, he was awesome.
I don't know what it is, but something about a nice plaid shirt makes me happy.
I can already tell I'm going to be supplying Taylor with a couple come Christmas day.
Anyways, Plaid Shirt Guy was also wearing the perfect pair of jeans.
Seriously, he knew how to dress.
After the concert, we decided to go rent a movie and make some drinks and lay in our pjs.
And while we watched I Love You Beth Cooper, I colored in my Harry Potter coloring book.
Check it:

Sunday, we started off the day with Church, obviously.
Best way to start your Sunday.
I witnessed the cutest thing in Church.
There was this family, consisting of a couple, their daughter, and granddaughter.
They all couldn't fit into one pew, so Grandpa went to sit in another pew across the aisle.
When we went to say The Lord's Prayer, he moved over so he could say it with his wife and hold her hand in prayer.
It was cute.
Turns out there was enough room in that pew, so he got to sit with the family the rest of the time.
After Church, Erin and I did our usual McD's lunch meal and headed to the WalMarks for some groceries.
The rest of the day was a relaxing homework day.
On Sunday nights, the Baptist church in town has free dinner for college students.
And you don't have to be Baptist, which is good, since I'm not.
Anyways, it's amazing.
This week they had chili. Which is amazing on a chilly day.
(I could have went a little nerdy there and said "chili day", but didn't.)
After dinner, I had to go to the library to work on things.
Since it was rainy, I decided to sport my rain boots.
And since I still had on my church clothing, I just added them to the outfit.
Erin said I looked stupid.
I think it's hot.

Erin told me a pair of boots would look cute with my outfit (I agreed).
Apparently this was not what she had in mind.

So now that you know all the semi-fascinating things I did this past weekend, let us look ahead.
On Friday I get to go home!
I haven't been home in a couple of weeks.
I miss my bf.
But I get to see him Friday!
And we have a lot of events planned.
Me and Taylor and a couple of our friends are going to head out and eat good foods.
Then, we are viewing this movie called New Moon.
I've heard a little about it, I think, so it should be good.
Taylor is even getting excited.
Earlier, we had a lovely text conversation when he was on his lunch break at work.
In our texting, he said that he saw a New Moon trailer yesterday and reminded me that Rob was on Ellen on Friday.
I'm glad he supports me and my celebrity crushes.
He also reminded me that I still owe him for him seeing Twilight and now New Moon with me.
Should be interesting.

Dang, that was long.

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