Sunday, July 24, 2011

25 Things: The List

I debated on whether or not to post this, but then I thought "why the heck not."

I've seen on blogs where people do a "25 Things before 25" list. Where they pick 25 things they want to accomplish before turning 25. And since I just turned 24 a few weeks ago, I thought I would jump on the bandwagon and join in! Here's my list:

1. Start and finish the same book in one day.

2. Really learn French.

3. Learn how to write left-handed.

4. Start an Etsy shop. Sell some things.

5. Learn how to dance the Thriller.

6. Learn how to play the guitar.

7. Solve a Rubik's Cube.

8. Go to a movie by myself.

9. Get a manicure.

10. Get a grown-up job that uses my degree.

11. Attend a midnight movie showing. (DONE!)

12. Read the Bible.

13. Take a month off of Facebook.

14. Go two weeks vegetarian.

15. Buy a snazzy camera and take lots of pictures.

16. Beat Super Mario World on my Super Nintendo.

17. Learn how to juggle.

18. Catch up on Doctor Who. (DONE!)

19. Learn how to crochet.

20. Finish my Weasley sweater.

21. Wreck this Journal.

22. Take Luna on more walks.

23. Paint more.

24. Buy a webcam. Make a video.

25. Be awesome.

I will update on when I accomplish things. I've actually already done one of them, so hold on tight for that post.


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