Wednesday, August 31, 2011

25 Things: #18 Catch up on Doctor Who.

Earlier in the summer, I decided I wanted a new tv show to watch. I like finding new shows. I decided I wanted to expand my nerdiness a little bit, and my love for the British, and started watching Doctor Who.

Now, Doc Who started in like the 1960s, and then took a break for a little bit in around the 80s or 90s (I don't really know the complete history, obviously), and when I decided to start watching, I had no idea whether I needed to watch from the first doctor, or whether I should just start from a certain point. After some research (aka, I sent out a poll on the twitters), I learned that I should start at the 9th doctor with the episode called "Rose".

So that is where it all began for me. After weeks of watching about 2 episodes a day (cause that's all BBC America played each day) I have caught up! And I got to actually watch the new episode on Saturday when it aired!

Let me give you a little background on the show that is Doctor Who:

Basically, it's a show about a time traveling alien that goes by The Doctor. And he has human sidekicks that come along with him on his journeys. He travels through time and space in his TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimension In Space) that looks like a blue police box and is bigger on the inside. The reason they are able to have 11 different actors play The Doctor is because whenever The Doctor dies, he just regenerates and his whole appearance changes. Handy, huh?

I'm not sure if this is true for all Whovians (That's what the fans are called. Fun.) but I tend to get attached to a certain Doctor. I really love David Tennant. A lot. And I always got nervous that I was approaching the episode that was going to be his last. And then this new guy was going to show up. And then I reached that point. And you know what, I LOVE Matt Smith as The Doctor! I think he may be my favorite!

Also, I love Amy Pond and Rory. More than Rose. Didn't think that would happen either.



"Bow ties are cool."



Just a heads up, if you do decide to watch Doctor Who (and you should), beware of the Weeping Angels. They will scare the shiz out of you.

Seriously, you will pee your pants.

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