Sunday, September 11, 2011

Do you remember where you were?

Today marks the 10th anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center.

I was in the 8th grade. I was sick that day, so I stayed home from school and Mom stayed there with me instead of going to work. I remember being asleep on the couch when Mom woke me up and told me to watch what was happening. She happened to have Good Morning America on, and we sat there and watched as the second plane hit. And then watched as the buildings collapsed. I remember wondering what could cause someone to have this much hatred to want to cause this much harm and terror to innocent people. This is something I still wonder about to this day.

I remember watching the news for days after, as they searched the rubble hoping to find survivors. I remember praying for the families that had missing loved ones.

I remember talking to my dad a few days after the attacks, and him telling me that this event was a huge event in American history. He told me to watch, because this would go down in history books. In my freshman American history class a year later, we happened to have brand new history books. At the very end was the tragedy of September 11th.

Do you remember where you were?

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