Friday, September 30, 2011

Jillian Michaels has it out for me.

Seriously. She's trying to kill me.
I started doing her 30 Day Shred workout DVD three days ago.
I did it 2 days, and then rested a day.
I think if I would have done it a third day in a row my legs would have fallen off.
It hurts to walk.
It hurts to go down stairs.
It sucks that I have to walk a lot at work.
It sucks that I live at the bottom of stairs.

We'll see how I feel in the morning to see if I make it another day.
Or if I wake up leg-less because they have given up on me.

We'll also see how many times I flip her off during the workout.
It was a good 3ish times the other day.

And no, Jillian, we are not all in the same boat here.
You're boat is like a fancy yacht.
And mine is a little wooden row boat.
I call BS.

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