Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Waiting for my potion to brew.

I finally got to enter Pottermore. I was so stinking excited to have finally received that welcome letter. I explored the whole first book in one night. Stayed up waaaaaaay too late. And now I can't wait until they unlock Chamber of Secrets!

I bet you're wondering what house I got sorted into. Well, hold your horses. I'll get to that part.

Before you get to go to Hogwarts, you have to get your wand! Every wizard needs a wand! Mine is Dogwood with unicorn core, 11 1/2 inches, slightly springy. In the description for dogwood wands, JK says, "Dogwood wands are quirky and mischievous". I feel like this fits me. Maybe not the mischievous part, but the quirky part at least.

Right now (as you can tell from the title of this post) I'm waiting for my potion to finish brewing. Yeah, you get to make potions and try to earn house points. I'm not a very good potion maker. Earlier I was trying to brew Herbicide and I blew up my cauldron. And I lost 5 house points. Which is no good, seeing as my house is slacking on the house cup standings (we're last place.....)

After reading some of the things that JK has shared, I've decided that she truly is a genius. GENIUS. I love how she has taken the time to actually give secondary characters in the books their own backstory. Like they're more than just characters, they're actual people. Except not really, although that would be cool.

Well, my Antidote to Common Poisons is almost ready. Wish me luck on not blowing up this cauldron (I feel like Seamus Finnigan).

Oh yeah, Imma Hufflepuff.

Note: I actually can touch my tongue to my nose. No big deal.

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