Tuesday, July 12, 2011


This is a really random, on the spot post. But I just found something out and needed to share.

I've decided that if I ever have a son, I want to name him Sterling. I think it's such a cool name!

Me thinking of this probably stemmed from the fact that I'm currently rereading The Hunger Games series (I'm getting ready to finish Catching Fire tonight) and I picture Peeta looking something like Sterling Knight.

As I was thinking of naming my currently-non-existent son Sterling, I got to wondering what Sterling Knight's full name is. I mean, I have to think of some middle name to go with this. So I head over to imdb and find out that his full name is, are you ready for this?

Sterling Sandmann Knight.

Is this for real? Is his for real middle name Sandmann? That's pretty freaking sweet. Best. Name. Ever.

I'm picturing my mother's face after I tell her that her grandson is going to be named Sterling Sandmann. HA! She would die.

Ok, his name won't be Sterling Sandmann. But it will be Sterling.

k, bye.

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