Saturday, October 31, 2009

Everyday should be like Halloween.

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays.
Getting all dressed up in costumes is fun.
This year I had two costumes.
On Friday night, one of the groups Erin is in had their semi-formal and it was obviously a costume party.
I was Hermione. Erin was a flapper.

Snape and I dueled.
And we did fun things like this:

On actual Halloween, I had a different costume in mind.
I posted about this earlier, like in August.
So, if you didn't figure out my idea then, here you go:

Yep. KStew herself.
I changed up my inspiration for what I was wearing.
Here you go:

The only thing I had to buy for this was the plaid shirt.
From the men's department at the thrift store.

Erin followed me around and was my paparazzi.

So, Erin went as a football player on actual Halloween.
And she asked me to braid her hair for her.
Well, as I was braiding, this was said:

Erin: You better make it look good.
Me: Whatever, you can do it yourself.
Erin: You know what?! I'm going to iron your KStew shirt!

Turns out, the shirt I bought was wrinkle-free.
Really, I didn't even look to see what size it was when I bought it.
I didn't figure that really mattered much.

Goodness, that was the best Halloween costume idea that I have ever had.

And this is a side note for all you fellas out there.
Putting on two polos with popped collars, wearing sunglasses, wearing a hat/visor with the bill to the side and going as a "tool" is not acceptable in my book.
I saw about 5 different guys wearing this same costume on Friday night.
However, dressing up as Dwight Schrute?
Two thumbs up.

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