Monday, October 26, 2009


I'm chuck full of ideas.
OK, not really.
But I did come up with a brilliant one today.
Here it is:
Lately I have been wanting to cut down on my soda drinking.
I have also been wanting to buy a lot of new music.
Therefore, I am going to start saving up the money I would be using on soda to buy new music.
At the end of the month, I will add up the change and probably have enough to buy a some songs on iTunes or some cheap albums on Amazon.
It is a win-win situation!
Healthier with the no soda business.
Happier with the more musics business.
I need to get a jar.

I function better when I make a list of things I need to do.
So, sorry, but here is my list of what I have to accomplish soon.
Just bare with me. You can skip over this if you want.
-math homework (tonight)
-meet with Wilber (tomorrow)
-develop film (Wednesday)
-drawings for Fibers project (tonight/tomorrow morning)
-Fibers blog (tonight/tomorrow)
-study for Praxis (before Nov 14)
-Senior Seminar presentation (before December)
-Senior portfolio (before Nov 10)
-register for next semester classes (tomorrow)
-pay library fee (tomorrow)
-Education concept maps (weekend?)
-Education iMovie(weekend?)

The funniest thing ever happened in my class tonight.
There is this kid in my class that talks all. the. time.
A lot.
Well, today my professor called him out on it.
We were supposed to be reading this article quietly so we could discuss later.
Well, Talking Kid started talking again and my professor goes,
"You know, I bet your classmates would like it if you were quiet so they could read."
We all started laughing a lot.
Inside I wanted to cheer.

I'm totally into School of Wizardry on facebook.
You know how everyone plays that Farmville game??
Well, I said screw that cause my plants kept dying.
And now I play School of Wizardry.
Cause it is obviously cooler.
I'm a level 12 second year.
And I have a property.
I'm pretty cool.
I just read this:
"You made it to year two! You have a little more experience now, but beware there are still many unknowns. Don't forget to study and keep up your grades."
I like how it warns me to actually get off there sometimes and do my homework.
I may or may not post that story to MLIA.

Ok, going to go work on that list up there now.
Peace out Girl Scout.
Or Boy Scout, depending.

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