Sunday, October 25, 2009


Dear Pandora Radio,
Hi. How come we didn't become friends a lot earlier? You are now one of my favorite websites. Just so you know.

Keep on rockin' them tunes,

PS- This limited number of hours I can play music each month might be hard to maintain...


Dear Robert Pattinson,
Hey. How's life? Today I found someone who didn't know your name. I seriously didn't think that was possible, seeing as you are everywhere I look. I mean, I can walk through WalMart and see your face on at least 10 different things. There are about 5 posters in the poster reel thingy, a Robert Pattinson calender, and not to mention the fact that every magazine has something about you on the cover. How could anybody not recognize your name?

See your face next time I walk through WalMarks,

PS- Don't worry. When I told her you were Cedric Diggory, she knew exactly who you were. We're HP fans in these parts.


Dear Ellen Degeneres,
Hi. I love you. And your show. I hear Robert Pattinson is going to be on in November again. I'm stoked. Last time he was on was one of my favorite interviews of him. I have one simple request for this time that he is on. Because, you see, I feel that this time he will be familiar with the concept of your show. I just ask that you get him to dance. Because who doesn't want to see that cat dance it up? I mean, even his dad was dancing last time around. Just a little jig is all I'm asking for.

I'm counting on you,


Dear Robert Pattinson,
I know. You're getting two letters on one post. Feel special. Did you read what I just told Ellen there?? You should remember that. Because Ellen is big on dancing. One of the great things I love about her. And normally the guests she has on the show will do a little dance when they come out. I'm just sayin. Give us a little something. You can take dance lessons from your dad if you need to.

Looking forward to seeing you break it down,


Dear Math,
Yeah....I still don't like you.....


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