Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I just have to share this with you

The other day I was showing my friend Amanda the New Moon trailer.
And since Taylor was there, and he is oh so interested in New Moon now, he got to watch too.
While we were waiting for the video to load, Taylor and I had the following exchange of words:

ME: Taylor Lautner is pretty hot for a 17 year old.
HIM: You know, they put people in jail for that.

Ahh well.
During the trailer he also commented on the fact that Jacob wasn't wearing a shirt most of the time.
No worries, I informed him that there was a lot of half-nakedness in the movie.
Including a little bit from Rob...

You know what I bought the other day?
Oh, just the New Moon soundtrack.
Yep, went out and snatched it up on Friday.
I could have snatched it up on Thursday, since the B-town WalMarks put it out a day early.
But, sadly, I didn't bring my debit card in with me.
No worries. I just went back Friday.

I have a busy week ahead of me.
Projects due, take GRE Saturday, ugh
This is my schedule for the remainder of the week:
Tuesday (today)
morning-noon: Fibers project
noon-1:30: lunch, go turn in my math homework
1:30-4:30: Fibers class; work on project
4:30-6: stay and continue working on fibers project
6: dinner
7-bedtime: fibers project

8:30-11:20: PE and Photography classes
11:30-1:30: lunch, get ready for going to Illinois
1:30-3: Math class
3:30: pick Erin up from class, head to Illinois for funeral
After returning home: finish anything on fibers project

Morning: finish Fibers project if needed
1:30-4:30: Fibers class; turn in project
4:30: Fibers Club meeting
5-bedtime: dinner, study for GRE, watch The Vampire Diaries

8:30-11:20: PE and Photography classes
11:30-12:30: lunch
12:30-2: Go take pictures
2-7: Study GRE
7-9: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince!
9-10:30: Study for GRE
10:30: Bed time (that is the earliest I have ever been to bed on a Friday...you'll see why)

7:30 AM: Go take GRE
After GRE: take nap
4: Emily's wedding

Alright, I'm already behind schedule.
Remember the times when I didn't feel tired all the time?!
Yeah, those were good times..

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