Monday, May 4, 2009

Fun times

This is going to be a really random post. It is pretty much gonna just be things that come up in my head as I sit here and do other things.

So my roommate and I are really fun people.
I'm pretty sure people think we are drunk when we are, in fact, sober.
We tend to be loud and obnoxious.
And I take delight in that.
Yesterday and Sunday, we did funny skips/walks in the parking lot after eating free finals week donuts on campus.
Yesterday, we specifically parked in the back of the parking lot so we had more room to do our funny skips/walks.
Cause we are cool people.

I made a beanstalk for my fibers project.
That's right, I now have a 14 foot long fabric beanstalk. It is pretty sweet.
I have extra leaves.

Oliver Wood is my background on my computer. Just so you know.
He is one of the underrated Hotties of Hogwarts I feel.
You know, along with Ron and Cedric and Seamus and Draco and Harry.
Any more come to mind??

I'm watching Harry Potter right now, as a matter of fact.
Goblet of Fire to be more specific.
Cause it is my favorite.
And not just because of Cedric.
I actually really like the Triwizard Tournament.
And this is the one where all hell breaks loose.

Speaking of HP, Kaitlin and I were discussing the various deaths in this here series and who's death made us cry.
We mentioned, you know, Sirius and that death in book 6 (I'll keep it spoiler free for those of you who are just movie watchers. shame shame. ..although I was once like you (and I liked to do the wild thing. haha good song).)
Anyways, I mentioned how I still cry when Cedric dies.
My roommate's reaction when like this: weird look, followed by "I don't give a crap about Cedric."
I about had a heart attack!
Ok, maybe not, but still.
I replied with "But like, he's dead and Harry is scared and Voldemort is back is just really emotional."
Cause it is.
(Just so you know, according to my spell checker-thing on Firefox, Voldemort is spelled wrong. As is Triwizard. ...Firefox just doesn't know...)

I gots me a job interview tomorrow!! Woot woot! Wish me luck.

After we did funny walks/skips in the parking lot, we decided to drive around and listen to Electric Avenue.
Really loudly.
And we danced.
Cause you know, we're cool people remember.

I have been letting my hair go curly here lately.
It is weird. My hair normally is just straight, and here lately it has been going wavy/curly.
If I knew that all it would take would be some mousse and hairspray I would have been doing this a long time ago.
It sure is a lot easier than straightening it.
Taylor likes it.
He told me.

I am going to Chicago this summer.
For reals.
We're going to the Museum of Science and Industry for the Harry Potter exhibit.
I'm super duper excited.
As long as I get to see Ron Weasley's Yule Ball get-up, it will be a successful trip.

haha Filch running pretty much makes my day. and Barty Crouch Sr. has a Hitler-stash.

You know what is really neato??
Rupert Grint has an ice cream truck.
I really hope he, like, drives it around England.
That's the coolest, most random thing ever.
For this reason, among others, we should be friends.

Well, sorry for the most random blog post in the history of blog posts. I'm sure you enjoyed it though.
I'm off.

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