Monday, May 4, 2009

C'est finals week.

And I am taking a break.
How'd you like that French action in the heading?? I have that final Friday...

Funny story:
I know how you like my funny stories, so here's a good one.
I was sittin' here on my computer, with my iTunes on shuffle, reading some interesting stuff.
And by "interesting stuff", I mean I was into it earlier, but now have completely forgot what it was.
Anywhosits, I was all focused on my reading, with my face 6 inches from the screen (I may go blind) and suddenly I hear, quite loudly as a matter of fact, this:

"Are you afraid?!"

That's right.
Robert Pattinson/Eddo was screaming these words at me.
And let me tell you, I was a little afraid.
I may have almost peed my pants.
If Kaitlin would have been here, she would have gotten a good laugh.
So, why was this being screamed at me, you ask?
Well, because that's how the Bella's Lullaby Remix starts.
You know, the one I got for free when I ordered our Twilight tickets online.
And iTunes finds it necessary to play it on high volumes when it comes up on shuffle.

Alrighty. I gots to go study for the final I have tonight.
Wish me luck!!

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