Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Miss Kristin Stewart

You know how I made a post about Robert Pattinson? Well, today I thought I would talk about Kristin Stewart.

I know some people have a problem with her as Bella. But I actually like her. I think no matter who they chose for that role, people would disagree.

So I have compiled list of some reasons why I like her.

1) I don't think I would be able to handle all this stuff the Twilight actors are going through. Seriously. Some of them fans are crazy. So I give her props for not going crazy. Like I would.

2) Also, I give her more props for handling the "What's it like to kiss Robert Pattinson?" question. For reals. Getting that same question over and over again would get kinda annoying.

3) I watched The Cake Eaters the other day. I wanted to watch a movie with her where she wasn't Bella Swan. She was really good in it. I give it two thumbs up. Y'all should watch that schtuff.

4) She seems really mature. Like, she's the same age as my sister and seems way more mature. Heck, she's three years younger than me and seems more mature than I am.

5) She acts like she doesn't give a crap about things. Like, she walks around in sweatpants with her hair all whatever. And I like that. Cause that's what I do. (bee-tea-dub, I'm currently in sweatpants with my hair all whatever.)

6) She's just so darn cute. Check out how cute she is:

With that being said, I do have a couple pieces of advice for you, Miss Stewart:

1) If that actually was pot you were smokin out on your front porch with your boyfriend, you might want to lay off it. Drugs are bad. Or at least don't do them on your porch where all can see. (I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and saying that it was actually just tobacco in that pipe.)

2) Smile once in a while! :)

3) You were on the cover of Ok! magazine, and your hair was looking a little greasy. You may want to wash that. Tell Rob he should wash his too.

What brought this on was Perez Hilton. He doesn't like her. I just think he is jealous. Anyways, a while ago he posted a video of her in an interview for her movie Adventureland (which I still need to see...). In this interview, she was asked about Rob. When they asked her this question, I guess she kinda rolled her eyes. Well, Perez didn't like this. He thought it was rude and all. I felt the need to defend her. I actually don't blame her for the eye rolling. Was Rob in Adventureland? Nope. Was she being interviewed about the movie she actually is in with Rob? Nope. Therefore, Mr. Interviewer, don't ask questions about it. Focus on the movie you are supposed to be reporting on.

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