Thursday, May 7, 2009

I am dead.

That's right.
School has killed me.
There comes a point every semester where I just stop caring about things.
Things that I definitely should be caring about.
For example: finals.
However, I am just too worn out and sick of school that I just don't care.
Ok, I do care.
I'm just ready for a break.
A long one.
Therefore, I welcome summer time with open arms.
(after I take this French final tomorrow that is.)

I have a lot of fun projects lined up for this summer.
And some fun places I want to go.

First off, I'm going to teach myself how to play guitar.
I'm pretty damned excited.
I gots a book and everything.

Also on the agenda: reading a lot of books.
Kaitlin left me a couple that she said I need to read.
I'm also going to attempt my "read a book in a day" goal.
I'm starting that off easy though.
I'm just gonna re-read Twilight.
E-ron read it in three hours, so I think I can accomplish this.

I'm going to rework a lot of my art projects this summer.
I have a few paintings I want to fix.
And a couple fibers projects that need to be reworked.

I'm going to Chicago.
I'm super duper stoked about this.
HP exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry: be ready for me.
Cause I'm headed your direction.

I'm turning 22.
After you turn 21, you have no more exciting birthdays to look forward to.
Oh well though.
It will for sure be a blast.
Will somebody please get me this cake:
I found this wonderfully remade cake on
I pretty much think I need it for my birthday.

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