Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My momma

I like my mom a lot.
For serious.
She says the most random things.
(This is probably where my sister and I get this...)
We were watching American Idol the other day.
Now, I haven't been paying attention to this season.
Because I don't have the time.
But I have heard about all the contestants and everything.
Anyways, my momma thinks Adam Lambert is weird.
She says that he seems like a nice guy and all and he can sing, but he's weird.
I didn't really completely figure out what she meant or how he acquired this "weirdness" by her, but oh well.
Then, this came out of her mouth:

"He's just, like, a dirty weird. I'd be like, 'Don't touch me you're weird.'"

I laughed for a good long time about this.
Because he doesn't seem like a dirty guy to me.

I wonder what she would say about this cat:

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