Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Dose of Random

It is time for another installation of my random posts.
I know you are excited.
I even came up with a nifty little title.

You see this scarf?

I made that sucker.
I'm a pretty awesome weaver.

Work sucks.
I've been having to work 10 hour days.
It le sucks.
I'll be happy when I can get me a big person job.
And by "big person job", I mean one where I can actually use my degree.
And one where I get my summers off.

I had a combined Harry Potter-Twilight nerd moment at work today.
For some reason, Jacob Black was on my mind.
And werewolves.
And I have came to the conclusion that Jacob Black is more of an Animagus than a werewolf.
Cause, you know, he can decide when he turns into a wolf and all.
I'm still trying to figure out how this topic arrived in my head....

I'm listening to my iTunes, and I have no idea where this song came from.
I am not familiar with this tune.
A while ago, I came across Robert Pattinson's playlist and I may have downloaded a few of the songs on there.
Maybe that's where I got this.
It does sound like some other stuff he had on there..

When I was moving schtuff in K-ville, I talked to some Mormon dudes.
They seemed pretty cool.
They helped me get my ginormous painting into my car.
Then we started talking about religion.
I told them I was Catholic.
(When I told Mom about this part, she asked if they turned right around.)
(They didn't.)
I think they are going to bring me a free Book of Mormon.
Cause I told them it sounded interesting.
I like to learn what other people believe in sometimes.
When they asked me if I knew much about their religion, my first thought was
"Stephanie Meyer is Mormon."
I didn't tell them that though.

Backstreet Boys pretty much rock my socks.
...except I'm not wearing socks..
Cause it is summer time.

Sunday, I attempted to do my "read a book in a day" thing.
Didn't happen.
It almost did. I only had like 100 pages of Twilight left.
What happened was this:
I got tired of reading in my room, so I went to the living room.
You know, change of scenery.
Anywhoosits, my momma had Dirty Dancing on the tv.
And I became distracted.
I tried to read and watch at the same time...
but then Edward Cullen started taking on the likeness of Patrick Swayze.
Which, I mean, P. Swayze is pretty hot in that movie.
I'm just sayin'.

You know what I like?
This may sound weird.
But this is a random post. So it is OK.
Anyhooters, I really like the feeling of concrete on your feet.
I don't know why.

Ma seester (my sister) is in Chicago.
I'm just a little jealous.
I told her to pick me up some "literature" on the HP Exhibit when she goes to the Museum of Science and Industry.
And I may or may not have told her to take a picture of the entrance...

So one of my friends (you know who you are..) is crazy.
We were watching the American Idol finale and texting each other our thoughts.
(We're obviously cool people.)
Keith Urban comes on and sings with that Kris dude.
(I haven't really be watching this season so I don't know his last name..)
I texted her and said, "I love me some Keith Urban."
She replied with, "I'd rather hear him sing than talk. Don't like his accent."
Now, I have heard this before from her.
About a man named Robert Pattinson.
Now, for me, an accent can heighten the level of hotness.
Australians, Brits, and the Irish all get bumped up a notch or two on the scale.
Apparently, that is not the case for all...
(Note: She did say Rob's was growing on her. Good deal, Lucille.)
(Sub note: My friend's name isn't Lucille. I just like to rhyme from time to time.)

I have the song "Fancy" by Reba McEntire stuck in my head...

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