Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I hope the contents of this post doesn't change your view of me. I am really a very nice person, but right now I need to rant. And no one is around for me to rant to. And my mom is at work. So I'm using this as a means for me to get things off my chest.

With that being said, I'm really stressing and freaking out right now. In two weeks, I will be done with school for the summer.
I have a fibers project due in a week, and it has a lot left to be done to it.
Why, you ask, aren't I in there working on my project now?
Well, because she has a class in there now.
So I can't.
(So if you are going to be looking for me this weekend, you should probably check the art building first.)
And then, on top of that, I have other finals to worry about.
A couple of them I'm not too awfully worried about, except for this History of Magic (Medieval Art, remember?) final where I have to prepare 3 essays and then he just gives me one.
ugh. I knew I should have been paying more attention in that class.

So when school is over, I should be less stressed right?
It will be summer time and that means no stress right?
I have no job this summer right now.
This means I will be making no money right now. And this isn't good.
Why you ask?
Because I have to pay rent on 2 (count them: 1, 2) apartments this summer.
And I may not be staying in either of them this summer. (Unless I get a job here, which we are still crossing our fingers for.)
While my roommate and I thought we had a subleaser for one apartment this summer, I guess we don't now. And we just found this out.
Fifteen minutes ago.
Two weeks before summer.
Are you freaking kidding me?!
I call him to tell him he needs to give us his down payment and first month's rent, and he tells me he found somewhere else.
I haven't broke this news to my mom yet. She's gonna freak. And then want his phone number so she can call him. I guarantee it. Which might be a little funny to see. haha.

So anyways, I think I'm done ranting now. I'm sorry for all that. I have to go to a party store now and find stuff for my mom for my sister's graduation party. Nothing like going to a party store all crazy stressed and mad. ha.

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