Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Mr. Robert Pattinson

So I don't think it is new news to anyone that I love this man. I think looking at previous posts will show that, and if you actually know me, well then you really know about all this. I liked him when he was Cedric and now I like him as Ed. Well, I was bored and was looking around online and found (1) pictures of fans with Rob, and (2) a video of a chick telling about her encounter with Rob. After I saw this, I realized what I would do if I ever actually ran into him. Not actually "run into" him, you know, but happen to see him walking around.

I decided I wouldn't go talk to him. Yeah, you read that right. I wouldn't go talk to him. There are a couple reasons for this.

First off, I'm not the type of person that just walks up to people I don't really know and talk to them. I think that is awkward. I mean, what exactly do you say to someone like that without coming off as a complete creeper?! I know if I was in his place, I would think all those people were crazies.

Second off, I kinda feel sorry for the dude. I feel like he should be able to walk around or eat his foods or hang out in peace. Without crazy people coming up to him and asking him for a picture or autograph or saying how much they are in love with him. I enjoy my peaceful meals, so I'd let him enjoy his.

On another similar note, if it is possible to bond with someone without ever meeting the person, well then that happened with me and Rob the other day. I saw somewhere where he doesn't like to watch his own movies. It totally freaks him out apparently to have his movies out there for people to see. At first I was like "Dude, then why did you go into this business?!?" But then I realized I do the same exact thing with my art. It really freaks me out to have other people look at anything I make. I always feel like they are judging it and think it is horrible and all this other bad stuff. But I still do it because I like making art, so I guess maybe that's why Rob does movies still. So there we go, a little similarity between me and Roberto.

So, Mr. Pattinson, if I ever get to see you walking around town or eating foods, I won't come up and talk to you. That, however, doesn't stop you from coming up and talking to me. Cause I'm a fun person. And by the looks of things....

so are you.

ps- I don't know where this picture is from or what is in his hair, but I like it.

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