Monday, April 20, 2009

My Super Happening Weekend

This weekend, I...

1)...had curly/wavy hair.
So you all know my hair is pretty much straight. Always. Saturday, though, it decided it would agree with me and go curly for the day. Erin says it is because it is humid; I just think it is because I'm awesome. I'm sorry I didn't document this. Maybe it will happen again.

2)...had a Twilight nerd moment.
Usually my nerd moments relate to Harry Potter. This weekend though I had a Twilight one. This is how it went down: My sister just got back together with her boyfriend. Well, in their time part, she found someone else to go to prom with. You know, just as friends. Well her and her bf were talking about whether or not he would go to prom. I guess his mom told him he should go since it is his senior year and all. These words came out of my mouth: "Prom is an important rite of passage. I wouldn't want you to miss anything."

..........Face. Meet palm........

In case you didn't know, that line was said by this cat here...

3)...went to see 17 Again.
I'll give my little movie review here.
Thumbs up!
Zac Efron. That's all that really needs to be said. After Rupert Grint and Rob, he's right up there on my list of celebrity crushes. He seems to play basketball in every movie he is in. I don't really have a problem with that, especially when he does it without a shirt.
It was a really good movie though.

4)...learned that my grandma has seen Twilight.
She didn't like it though. Not that I really expected her to. I was just shocked that she has actually seen it. I should have asked her if she thought Ed was hot....

5)...discovered that there is an Edward Cullen roaming around my town.
(Ed is mentioned in this post a lot...)
This is actually really creepy. It just makes me feel a little better when I can make light of it and laugh. That's how I deal with things. Anyways, apparently there has been someone in town that looks in people's windows. And here lately, I guess he (or she...I don't know if we really know) has broken into people's houses and just watches them sleep. Like doesn't steal things just pulls an Ed and watches them sleep. Creepy right.
Further evidence Ed is here:
I took a creep-tastic picture when I went to the DG the other day. Apparently Ed shops at Dollar General cause I spotted his silver Volvo there. However, I seriously fail on the "taking pictures of things" front. The evidence of this occurence is on my phone, however the cord to connect the phone to the computer is not with me. Sad time.

6)...found out my future step-sister has met Stephenie Meyer.
Yep. I was jealous. Super jealous. My eventual step-sister lives in Texas and I guess there is a book festival or something like that that she volunteers to work for and she sometimes gets to meet the authors and escort them places. And once she got to escort Stephenie Meyer. She said she was really cool and nice. I'm thinkin someone needs to get me a job working at this festival.

7)...asked my sister if she wanted to go see Little Ashes with me.
Actually, the exact words out of my mouth were something along the lines of: "Do you want to go see Rob's new movie with me?! He's a little gay and apparently gets naked."
Her response?


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