Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010.

Happy new year all!
I hope it was spent doing fun things.
Mine was spent playing cards with Taylor's family.
And then heading back to his house to play some Mario on Wii.
We love that game.

Anyways, I thought I would look over some schtuff I did this year.
And make plans for the future year.

So here is a list of some fun things things that I did this year.
And blogged about.
Well, since March.
Cause that's when this blog was started.

1) I watched Rupert and Rob movies.
And told my thoughts on them.

2) I bought Twilight.
And the awesomeness it contained.

3) I talked about Mr Robert Pattinson and Miss Kristen Stewart.
And how I really do like both of them.

4) I pondered what Taylor was getting me for my birthday.
When you say something is "better than Rob", you have to wonder.

5) My sister revealed she is Team Jacob.

6) My cousin may or may not have seen Rob Pattinson.
I am still shocked by this.
Even if it wasn't him, I pretend that it was.

7) I saw Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.
And all of the amazing awesomeness it contained.

8) I ventured to Chicago.
On one of the best trips ever.
With some of my favorite people ever.

9) I got Taylor into Harry Potter.
Yep. I am awesome like that.
He thinks the movies are better than the books, but whatever.

10) I talked about my younger days on my grandpa's farm.
One of my favorite places to be.

11) I got scared by my senior show.
Which I still am.
That happens this semester!

12) Rob and Kristen got engaged.
And I laughed.

13) I became a fan of vampires.
And not of spiders.

14) Erin "taught" me guitar.
I mean, I still can't play....

15) I created an awesome playlist.

Seriously. It is sweet.

16) Erin and I built a fort.

17) I had an awesome Halloween.
With some awesome costumes.

18) I made fun things for my friends.

She still loves me...

19) Saw New Moon.
And cried.

20) Started a TLight blog with Erin.
Have you checked it?

21) Read The Hunger Games.
And fell for Peeta Mellark.

There you go. Some fun things that happened in 2009.
2010 starts some new things.
I graduate in May. Start grad school in August
It's going to be happening.

This quote just came to my head:
"1999. The year of Joey."

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