Monday, January 11, 2010


I loved the Creative Photography class I took last semester.
It cost a lot of money, but was so much fun.
After I finished taking all of the pictures I needed for my project, I had some film and paper left over. So, I drove around town taking pictures of fun things I found. Or, I looked back over my contact sheets from my project and printed some that I liked that didn't really fit with my project concept.
Here are a few of those fun images.

I plan on going to the Salvation Army soon to see if they have cheap frames that I could paint and fix up to frame some of my pictures.
Also, I plan on posting my pictures I turned in for my final.
I took about 20 minutes today scanning and cropping all 15 of them.
So, expect fun posts soon. I will break it up and not post all 15 at once.

That would be crazy.

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