Thursday, January 28, 2010

Harry Potter and the Twilight Saga. (Part 1)

(JK Rowling's next novel...)

Eventually I want to make this HP and the TS series more of a discussion between the two. I feel like they get compared a lot and people from the HP fandom don't like Twilight, and vice versa. But for now, I'll take it easy.

I'm going to start this out by talking about the trivia night I went to this past week. It was Harry Potter and Twilight themed. Just my thing, right? Well, it was. For their trivia nights, you are on a team and answer a series of questions as a team. I went there without a team, just wanting to see how it was. Well, I was standing in the back of the room texting Taylor when this girl came up to me and asked if I wanted to be on her team because her other team members weren't showing up. So I sat down beside her and we began talking when other people she knew came in and sat down with us. We had our team. Team Hogforks. We went around the table saying what year we were in college. All the other girls were freshmen. I'm a senior. Yeah. I'm cool.

So, I was the best member of our team. Not that I'm bragging or anything. But it's true. The first round was all about Harry Potter. The first question: What kind of car does Mr Weasley have? Well, duh. It is obviously the Ford Anglia. Everyone else was so amazed that I knew this answer. I mean, I did happen to see it and all....

The rest of the HP questions were quite hard. Seriously. I don't know Nearly Headless Nick's last name. Or what vault the Sorceror's Stone is in. But, I did know that Dumbledore taught Transfiguration. Everyone else thought DaDA. Please. We managed to get 14/20 questions right.

I'm not even going to talk about Round 2. It was random trivia. And was hard as all get out.

Round 3: Twilight. I'm not going to lie. I was a little upset when I knew more Twilight questions than I did Harry Potter. But we'll get to that at a later time. The Twilight questions were eaaaaaasy. Since I was writing our answers down, a lot of the time I wouldn't even converse with the other members of my group. I would just go ahead and answer. We got a total of 18/20 right here. We didn't know how old Carlisle is (300 and something apparently) and we didn't know what Bella was surprised to see in the Cullen house (A wooden cross. We guessed a kitchen. Makes sense right?)

They went ahead and asked a tie-breaker question in case it was needed. What was the question? Name all of the Horcruxes. I had this in the bag. I can tell you not only what all the Horcruxes are, but who destroyed them and how. It didn't occur to me until I was talking to Erin about it later that I ended up writing them down in the order in which they were destroyed. I am awesome.

In the end, we got technically got 4th. There was a tie for second place, and then us. But, we were only 4 questions behind the 1st place winners, so it was pretty close.

By the way, I am currently still computerless. I checked this computer out from campus. I want mine back. I checked out a computer last weekend as well. And I may or may not have (but definitely did) save a picture of R. Pattinson on the desktop and forgot to delete it before I turned it in. Awesome.

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