Thursday, July 30, 2009

That time I saw Ron's Yule Ball get-up

That time was Saturday.
At approximately 4:45ish.
But for now, I will recount the entire trip.

After work, I ran home, showered, finished packing, and picked up my sister.
Then, we headed off to Quincy.
Met everyone else, had good foods, and hung out.
And since this was a Harry Potter trip, we had to play Harry Potter Clue, of course.
And....I lost.
Hermione Granger lost all of her house points.
But, whatever.

After getting about 4 hours of sleep, we had to awake and get on the train.
It is very hard to sleep on a train.

Anyways, we made it to Chicago.
After taking our schtuff to the hotel, we headed out for lunch at the Rainforest Cafe.
At the hotel, they gave us a coupon for a free appetizer.
And it was fantastic.

Then it was time for the Museum of Science and Industry.
So, we hopped on a bus, and away we went.
After walking around the museum for a while, 4:00 finally came.
Which meant fun times.
Before we went into the Exhibition, they had some trivia questions.
I think we embarrassed my sister by our awesomeness in remembering spells.
She, however, returned the favor.

So, before you go in, they pick a couple of people to get sorted.
This little kid gets up there and the worker-dude (sounding all British-y) is like,
"Say 'Ello to (insert kid's name)"
Everyone replies,
"'Ello (kid's name)"
Then from my sister you hear, quite loudly in fact,
"'Ello Govena!"
It was the funniest dern thing ever.

And then they open the doors.
Now, Abby walks through exhibits quickly.
The rest of us take everything in.
Read what the labels say.
Look at the details.
Comment on how the colors look different in the movie (true story).
So, needless to say, she was ahead of us for most of the time.
But it was fantastic.
If you like HP (who wouldn't?!) and have the opportunity, go and see it.
The entire time, we were wowed by how small they are.
Emma Watson is a little thing.
And they had Dan Radcliffe's costume from Sorcerer's Stone, and he was a youngen.
It was cute.

They had quaffel throwing.
I would make an awesome chaser, just so you know.

And they saved the best for last.
The Yule Ball outfits.
Ron's Yule Ball outfit is my favorite from the whole series.
And I was within arm's length away from them.
I didn't touch though.
They also had some of Cedric's outfits.
Which made me even more happy.
I think it was Kaitlin who was a little ahead of me and said,
"They have some of Rob's costumes up there."
I could have touched them too, but I didn't.

We all bought wands in the gift shops.
We're cool.

After we left the museum, we went to the Navy Pier.
The hotel gave us another coupon for a free appetizer at Bubba Gump's and we got a VIP coupon.
This handy VIP coupon took us to the front of the line.
Where we should have waited for 2 hours for a table, we waited 3 minutes.
'Twas awesome.
And the Cirque du Soleil thing was amazing.
Those people are crazy talented and bendy.

Overall, the weekend was fantastic.
It was nice to get away for a little bit.
I couldn't take pictures inside the exhibit, but they did have the flying car outside for picture-taking.
So here you go:

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