Thursday, July 16, 2009

Weasley is my king!

I am currently running on 4 hours of sleep.
Not to mention, I went through 10 hours of work today.
And I've been feeling sickly all day.
But here is my review of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

It gets a "thumbs up!"
A "thumbs way up!"
It is one of my favorite Harry Potter movies.
And that is saying something, since I really love The Goblet of Fire.

I found this one really funny.
The romance that is there provides for great moments.
Jessie Cave makes a great Lavender Brown.
She totally plays the part of the "crazy in love teenager" wonderfully.

This movie really brought back the trio.
I feel like The Order of the Phoenix pushed the trio into the background.
Half-Blood Prince really showed their relationship, which will definitely be good for Deathly Hallows.
Plus, I really do love Ron Weasley.

Rupert Grint=my best friend.
Or at least I wish.
The part where he eats the candy with the love potion is genius.
The guy is truly hysterical.

I loved DRad in this.
And by "DRad" I mean Dan Radcliffe, obviously.
The liquid luck part is also great.
This movie was just filled with funny moments.

However, those of us who have read the books know that is has the dark moments.
Tom Felton's performance as Draco Malfoy was awesome.
The emotion he brought to the character made me actually feel a little sorry for Draco, which I never felt in the books.

The Inferi are creep-tastic.
Funny story: I was going to attempt to scare my sister even more than I knew she was going to be scared.
(She hasn't read the books. But she is an avid movie goer.)
So I slyly slid my hand to the arm rest right by her leg right before the Inferi show up.
Then, when they popped out of the lake, I grabbed her leg.
She screamed and totally peed her pants.
Funny part: so did I.*

A couple things bothered me a little though.
I don't know as if they talked about the Horcruxes enough.
They didn't discuss Dumbledore's ideas on what the Horcruxes could be, which I think will be a problem in Deathly Hallows.
I'll keep my faith in the movie makers though.

I also don't think they talked about the Half-Blood Prince enough.
It was barely talked about.
I feel like they only put it in the movie because that's the name of the movie.

So there you go.
My overview of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
Go see it.
I'm going to see it again on Saturday.

And that part in the end:
I cried.

*Neither one of us actually peed our pants.

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