Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Just call me Bella Swan...

Here's the story:

Yesterday, I was going to Taylor's house.
I get to his house and am walking up to his door when.....

...down I go...
...on my butt... the mud...

Because, you see, his older brother found it necessary to hose down the front sidewalk, making it a muddy mess.
Apparently he did not realize I would be walking through and that I am, in fact, the biggest clutz ever.
When he just happened to show up later I made sure to let him know he was responsible for this.
(He didn't agree.)

So, as I am sitting there in the mud, two options pop into my head.
Do I continue on into his house and face him and his family?
Or do I turn around, hoping they aren't watching from inside, and go home to clean up before I come back?

I chose the first option, obviously.
1) I don't want to get mud in my car.
2) I don't really care what him or his family say. We've been around each other for too long for me to get embarrassed by things like this.

So, I walk in, mud up to my knee and covering the entirety of my rump, and retell the story of this fall.
His reaction?
Lots of laughter, followed by "God, you are the biggest clutz ever."

Apparently he didn't remember The Great Fall of 2004. (I reminded him of course.)
Let me take you back...
February 2004. Sophomore year. Taylor and I had been dating for all of a week or two.
The bell rings to signal the end of school and, for some unremembered reason, I had to stay and do something.
When I finally got to the student parking lot most of the cars were gone.
I go walking to my car, when...

...down I go.

"Ice doesn't help the uncoordinated."
I guess the janitors missed a section of the parking lot when they were salting the ice, and I just happened to attempt to walk on it.
This nice fall resulted in the breaking of my arm.
And I actually did drive home with a broken arm.
Cause I'm that good.

Another part of Taylor and I's conversation from yesterday went like this:
Taylor: "Wow, you're worse than my mom. Remember when she broke her arm when she tripped on a little hole?"
Me: "Yeah. At least I fall on flat surfaces."

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