Sunday, January 31, 2010

Some writer's block. And other things.

On Tuesday I have to have a draft of my paper for my senior show done. It is 10:17 pm on Sunday night and I currently just have the outline of the paper typed up. And when I say "outline of the paper", I mean the one she gave me that is basically just a list of all the things I need to have in the paper. I am stuck on the Artist Statement part. Which is the first part. So, to fix my problem, I'm doing something we would do in my high school college prep English class when we didn't know what to write about. JSherm's freewriting exercise. Where we write about whatever happens to come to our minds. Just so you know, when I was a freshman in college, I had to write an artist statement and I didn't know what to write about then earlier. So I did the freewriting business and thought something up. So, apparently it works. This will probably be a boring post, and I apologize. But, I need to get something done and this seemed like the best thing. I knew I started this blog for something...

I'm not really sure what the heck they want in this here artist statement. I'm guessing it has to do with a reason as to why I am an artist or why I chose to go into fibers specifically. To tell you the truth, I don't really know why I chose to be an artist. It was just something I did. I was a kid who liked to color and draw a lot. And I still am. I just liked to be creative, and was happy when I had something to show for my hard work other than a grade on a piece of paper. I liked working with my hands and seeing things come together. I enjoy taking the time to make things pretty. I know some/most artists have a big reason for making a piece, but my main reason for doing something the way I do it is because I thought it looks nicer that way. But, they don't necessarily want to hear that....

Why I chose fibers is an easier question to answer. It is simple really. Fiber art was just something I had never done before, and I was interested in it. I mean, I had sewed clothing before in 4H, but making quilts and wallhangings was new to me. I had made paintings and I had worked with ceramics and sculpture things. But making art out of fibers was something I wasn't familiar with, so I thought I would try it out and see what came of it. I ended up really liking the techniques, so I stuck with it. And here I am. Three years later. Creating a show and trying to come up with a paper to go with it.

I was talking to Momma about my writer's block just now, and she asked me if there were any artists that made me interested in becoming an artist. I felt weird when I said no. In high school we had no art history. At all. It was something the teacher would threaten us with if we were bad in class. (Side note: Since I have been to college and have had education classes, this is not something I plan to do...) I didn't have my first real art history lesson until I was in college. I mean, I knew some artists obviously, but I didn't really know much and none really had any effect on me or my art. I find that sad now.

Alright, I know it might not seem like it, but this was rather helpful. At least I have somewhat of a start on what to write about. Tomorrow I will probably look at it and change the whole thing anyways.

Also, I am currently on my second Harry Potter movie for the night. Started out with some Sorceror's Stone and now I've moved on to Chamber of Secrets. I'm not really watching, just having it on for some background noise. It is my research and preparation for Talk Like the British Day on Friday. Apparently it is a facebook event. One that I am excited about and def participating in.

Also also, I swiped my momma's computer for the week. My uncle thinks mine has a virus on it, so he is taking it into work to have people there look at it and hopefully fix it. So now I'm on mom's since she has a fancy Mac laptop that she brings home from work to use. And I have already made this computer my own for the week. If you look at the web history, you see this site, facebook, Letters to Twilight, Average Wizard, and Texts from Last Night. And to make myself feel better about not having my computer and having to write a paper, I changed the background to a Vanity Fair Rob picture. Cause he was the Hotness in that photoshoot.

Alright, I commend you if you read through this entire post. You are officially my friend.

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