Saturday, January 23, 2010

My computer.

My computer is broken.
As in it doesn't work.
After you turn it on, it automatically freezes.
No good.
So I took it to the tech people on campus yesterday so they could look at it and hopefully fix it.
Turns out, they don't really know what's wrong with it either.
After two people looking at it, we came to the conclusion that I would bring it back next week so I could check it in to them and they could look at it for a longer time.
So, how am I typing this to you right now?
Well, I checked out a computer from the tech people for the weekend.
I don't like it.
I want my computer back that has all of my stuff on it.
I miss my iTunes library.

On another note...Did you watch the Hope for Haiti telethon?
I only caught the end of it cause I was out with my sister and cousin.
I did, however, catch some of the performances online.
Hello, Grizzly Adams Rob.
I do very much like the beard.

Also, Justin Timberlake. I love you. And your amazing song.

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