Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thinking about my senior show is kinda scary

So I just had my first and only class for today. It's nice only having one class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The other days are not quite as easy, but oh well. I actually just had to add a class that I didn't know I needed. Good thing it is only one credit and just one day a week.

Anyways, this first and only class I had today was my Fibers class. You know, my major. And since I'm a senior and all (woah! That's crazy.) I have to start thinking about what I want to do for my senior art show. This semester, I get to start working on projects for my show that will be next semester. I'm supposed to have a proposal ready for what I want to do for my first project for this semester, and I'm not sure what I want to do. Cause first I really need to decide what I want to do for my show. Normally it can take me a while to come up with things, but this time is different. I thought about this a lot this summer and I now have narrowed it down to a couple of ideas.

Idea Number 1: Weaving. My professor really liked my weaving skills last semester, and I really enjoyed doing it. Thing is, I don't really know what to weave exactly. I saw this chick at the state fair who was weaving with strips of fabric, so I thought that would be cool. I had actually thought about doing this before, so I might go with that. I'm not sure how to create that into a show, but I can figure something out.

Idea Number 2: Printing. I actually like printing on fabric. And this summer, I fell in love with some awesome printed fabric and came up with some fun ideas of my own. And I thought I could come up with a cool way of displaying the fabric when I was done with it.

So there you go. Now I have to make a decision.

Watch, I'll prolly come up with something totally different.

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