Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Dear JoAnn's Fabric Store,

Hi. You are my favorite store ever. I'm sure I could spend my entire paycheck on the amazing things you contain, but I have to restrain myself. You see, when I visited the time before last, I was on a schedule. My sister, who doesn't appreciate this fabulous store as much as I do, was in a hurry to get home. I was looking for some fabric for curtains, and this is what I found:

I'm very excited about it.

Then this last time, I was by myself and had all the time in the world. I also had a 50% off coupon, which meant very fun times. I ended up buying this:

Now, I wasn't sure what I was gonna do with this fabric when I bought it. I just really really liked it. Well, today at work, it hit me. I knew exactly what I was going to do. So after work, I hit up the Wal-Marks and got the rest of the supplies I needed. Now I just have to get to it.

Are you wondering what I am planning on doing? Well, you're just gonna have to wait and see.


PS- It may or may not involve this:

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