Thursday, January 14, 2010

Beginning of the semester.

The first week of my last semester of an undergrad ends tomorrow.
I will now provide you with a list of thoughts/happenings of this first week:

1) I am stressed already.
Senior show, 20 to 30 page paper that goes with the senior show, other papers for other classes. Poop. Don't expect to see me that much.

2) I have 2 classes that I am really super excited for.
First, there's my Children's Literature class. I get to look at and talk about children's book illustrations, which will be fun times. But I can't read Harry Potter. She said we had to branch out and read things we haven't read before. You think I could lie and still read it??
Second, I have my American Cultural History class that Erin found for me. I'm pretty sure it was made for me. Today we talked about manhood in American and how it has changed. Cool.

3) My Economics and Geography classes will suck.
Taylor had to take Economics for his business degree (obviously) and when I asked him to tell me that it doesn't suck, he told me "yeah, it pretty much sucks". Thanks darling.
But my geography professor has awesome fashion sense. When I was describing him to Kaitlin I told her that "he dresses like RPatz on a bad day".
Truth number 1.

4) I went to the rec yesterday.
I hardly ever go there. But after class yesterday, I made the walk there. Worked on the exercise bike a little bit. Fun times. Will prolly go back tomorrow.

5) My Tuesday/Thursdays will be long.
I have class from 10:30 until 6. Two 3 hour studio classes (sculpture and fibers) and then my hour and a half long history class. They are longgggggg.

6) I busted my bum today and didn't break anything.
Yesterday, it was warm so some of the snow melted.
Last night it was cold, so it froze again.
Today Whitney walked on it, so she fell.
When I went down, I thought of Bella Swan.
Then I thought of how I think too much about Twilight.
("Ice doesn't help the uncoordinated." Truth number 2)

So there you go. A little break down of my first week back.
I'm gonna watch some of The Office on my computer here.

1 comment:

Mormon Bachelor Pad said...

Can you really think too much about Twilight? Really?
