Monday, November 30, 2009

I'm going (slightly) deep. And a lot of stressful.

There is only two weeks of classes left before finals. I have not decided how I feel about that. I don't think I have actually gotten into the swing of things since summer vacation, and now all of a sudden we are almost to Christmas break.

Several things are starting to stress me out. Normally, I am a very calm person. I can just breathe and be ok. Now, however, I'm starting to stress out. I made a list in my math class today of everything I have to get done by Wednesday, and it was a long list. Then I started scheduling times when I could do all those things by Wednesday, and it was crammed. I hate the end of the semester. All of the professors try to cram in last minute projects, and my procrastinating ways are not good for that. I have a fibers piece that I have to knock out in two weeks, and I haven't even started sketching for it yet.

Not only do I have to do all this stuff for classes, my roommates are graduating in a couple of weeks. And leaving me. I do not like this. I will miss these ladies so much. They are who I hang out with at this here place. They are who I laugh with at the stupidest things. They are who I have long, deep discussions with about the jersey numbers of the Quidditch players. I will miss them so much.

I graduate with my undergrad in May. I am both excited and terrified of this. I think I'm ready to go out in the real world and do things. I'm ready to be done with classes. However, I am going to miss college. I love college. I love this college. And I am going to miss being here.

Since I am graduating with my undergrad in May, I will hopefully be starting grad school in August. And I haven't even began to fill out the application for that. I have had no motivation to do it. And I don't know why. I need to do it. That is my goal for Christmas break. And it will get done. It has to get done.

I would by lying if I said I wasn't scared. I have no idea what I'm going to do if I don't even get into grad school. I have no idea what I'm going to do if I don't find a job after grad school. I don't know where I want to teach, I just know I want to. Part of me wants to go back home, because I love the town and my family is all there. But the other part of me wants to branch out, and try something new. Go on a little adventure. I guess we will just see when it gets here.

Breathe Whitney. Just breathe.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Because we're cool.

Erin and I are fanstastically awesome people.
Because we sit here and speculate about the lives of famous people.
Our favorite people to discuss?
None other than The Twilight Trio.
With some added Dakota Fanning for good measure.

So, Erin is sitting here reading my/Taylor's copy of Entertainment Weekly with RPatz, KStew, and TLaut on the cover.
That is actually what we call them. And DFan.
And we think that is what they call each other.

Actually, we just decided to make a blog of this.
Go here.

Also, I just got Erin into blogging.
And I was the one that got her into Twilight.
I win.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Celebrity Crushes.

We all love a good looking celebrity.
At least I do.

You know, a little Zefron...

A little P. Wesley....

Mixed in with some Rupert G.
(I'm a fan of the red hair. And the fact that he's wearing a Harry shirt here.)

And, of course, some added RPatz
Can I just say that I love the scruff here. And his sweater. I love a man in a nice sweater. And the fact that he's probably picking something out of his teeth.

Now, these are my celebrity crushes.
Would you like me to reveal my momma's number 1?

That's right.
Donny Osmond.
She's liked him since she was a youngen.
And we are currently sitting here waiting for the results of Dancing with the Stars, which Donny is competing in and is in the finals.
If he wins, this house is going crazy.
And by "this house", I mean Momma.

I'm just gonna sit here and stare at some Paul Wesley abs for a while.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What I do to my friends.

My friend got me into Twilight.
Well, kinda.
When I found out Robert Pattinson, aka Cedric Diggory, was going to be in the movie, I decided it would be a good idea to see it. And read it, I guess.
And she let me borrow her books.
And we go see the movies together and talk about it a lot.
Anyways, I always give her a hard time about how I like Jacob and she doesn't.
So I sent her a little package in the mail the other day.

It all started with this card I found in WalMarks.
That I knew I had to get for her.

(On the inside it says something along the lines of "Treat. Definitely Treat.")

Then, I decided to make a shirt for her.
She is entirely Team Edward.

And finally, I decided to write her a little poem.
It took me all of about 10 minutes to write this while I was in the shower.

I hope she wears that shirt tomorrow.
Whoop whoop.

Monday, November 16, 2009

I heart the weekends.

I'm usually soooo busy with school stuff during the week, that the weekends are the best.
Let me fill you in on what I did this past weekend, and then the plans for the upcoming weekend.

Past weekend:
On Friday night, I didn't really do much.
I think we may have gone out to eat, and I probably did some homework.
I had to go to bed early cause I took the Praxis on Saturday morning.
Friday wasn't all that productive.

Saturday morning, I woke up at the (not so) grand time of 6:45 in the am.
The Praxis started at 7:30, so I threw on some sweats and headed on over there.
Now, the Praxis is the senior test that us art majors have to take before we graduate.
I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter how well we do on it, they just want to know what we have learned.
However, since I am going to be getting my teaching certificate, I have to take this anyways.
I have a feeling that I will be taking this again at a later date.
I had no idea I was lacking so much in my art history knowledge.
Anyways, after the test, a nap was required.
And then laundry was in order.
Saturday evening was a ball.
E-ron and I got all cute and fancy and went to see Regina Spektor on campus.
I like her a lot.
I also liked her opening band, Jupiter One.
Let me tell you a little about Plaid Shirt Guy.
Soo, in Jupiter One, one of the guitarists was the hotness from where we were sitting.
We couldn't really see him well, but from his wardrobe, he was awesome.
I don't know what it is, but something about a nice plaid shirt makes me happy.
I can already tell I'm going to be supplying Taylor with a couple come Christmas day.
Anyways, Plaid Shirt Guy was also wearing the perfect pair of jeans.
Seriously, he knew how to dress.
After the concert, we decided to go rent a movie and make some drinks and lay in our pjs.
And while we watched I Love You Beth Cooper, I colored in my Harry Potter coloring book.
Check it:

Sunday, we started off the day with Church, obviously.
Best way to start your Sunday.
I witnessed the cutest thing in Church.
There was this family, consisting of a couple, their daughter, and granddaughter.
They all couldn't fit into one pew, so Grandpa went to sit in another pew across the aisle.
When we went to say The Lord's Prayer, he moved over so he could say it with his wife and hold her hand in prayer.
It was cute.
Turns out there was enough room in that pew, so he got to sit with the family the rest of the time.
After Church, Erin and I did our usual McD's lunch meal and headed to the WalMarks for some groceries.
The rest of the day was a relaxing homework day.
On Sunday nights, the Baptist church in town has free dinner for college students.
And you don't have to be Baptist, which is good, since I'm not.
Anyways, it's amazing.
This week they had chili. Which is amazing on a chilly day.
(I could have went a little nerdy there and said "chili day", but didn't.)
After dinner, I had to go to the library to work on things.
Since it was rainy, I decided to sport my rain boots.
And since I still had on my church clothing, I just added them to the outfit.
Erin said I looked stupid.
I think it's hot.

Erin told me a pair of boots would look cute with my outfit (I agreed).
Apparently this was not what she had in mind.

So now that you know all the semi-fascinating things I did this past weekend, let us look ahead.
On Friday I get to go home!
I haven't been home in a couple of weeks.
I miss my bf.
But I get to see him Friday!
And we have a lot of events planned.
Me and Taylor and a couple of our friends are going to head out and eat good foods.
Then, we are viewing this movie called New Moon.
I've heard a little about it, I think, so it should be good.
Taylor is even getting excited.
Earlier, we had a lovely text conversation when he was on his lunch break at work.
In our texting, he said that he saw a New Moon trailer yesterday and reminded me that Rob was on Ellen on Friday.
I'm glad he supports me and my celebrity crushes.
He also reminded me that I still owe him for him seeing Twilight and now New Moon with me.
Should be interesting.

Dang, that was long.

Friday, November 13, 2009


Happy New Moon Week.
Get excited.
Bought my tickets last week.
We are watching on Friday at 9:30 in the pm.
Woot woot.

I went to Brookfield theatre website to see what time they were playing the movie.
The "poster" they had online wasn't even the real movie poster.
It was a fan made poster.
Classy. And professional.
But we're not going there.
Cause they didn't even have the movie times up.

I like how Ellen has a countdown to Rob on her show.
When I was watching last week, I kept seeing "__ days til Robert Pattinson!"
I got excited every time I saw it.
AND Kellen Lutz in on on Wednesday.
And D Fanning on today.
It's a Twilight week on Ellen.
Woot woot again.

Funny Story:
I bought the Vanity Fair magazine yesterday.
You know, the one with all the Rob hotness in it.
Yeah, well I was going to just go to WalMarks so I could use the self-checkout that is so handy when you don't want to be judged on what you are buying.
Well, WalMarks didn't have them out yet.
And I had seen that the bookstore here in town did have them out.
So I just decided to get it there.
Well, Erin wanted me to pick her up a copy too.
Cause, you know, we all need our own little bit of Rob hotness.
So not only was I buying one magazine, I was buying TWO magazines.
I chose what line I went through by which cashier looked like they would judge me less.
And I didn't make any eye contact.
Totally worth it though.
Cause that article and pictures were fantastic.

Well, I need to get some studying in before Ellen comes on.

We must be over the rainbow!

Ever since I was a young young lady, The Wizard of Oz has been my favorite movie.
Seriously, I can't tell you the number of times I have dressed up as Dorothy for Halloween.
Well, it is on TV tonight.
And tomorrow night. And Sunday night.
This is why I like the holidays.
Cause apparently it is a holiday movie....

Anyways, both of my parents called/texted me to make sure I was watching.
First, Momma called, telling me it was on.
Then, Dad texted, asking if I was watching.
It made me happy.
They even had a couple of trivia questions during the movie, and I got both of them right.
Goodness, I'm a nerd.

It really is my favorite movie.
It's just so colorful and fun.
And it is fantasy, and we know how much I love fantasy.
Momma once told me that the reason I loved fantasy so much was because
I "like to be in my own little world".
She's pretty much right.

Monday, November 9, 2009

One of my favorite people.

Ellen Degeneres
I try my hardest to watch her show everyday.
And I learned yesterday that Kellen Lutz is going to be on on the 18th.
So it's Kellen on the 18th and Rob on the 20th.
Greatest couple of days in my life.

Anywhoosits, I watched her on Oprah today, and I love her.
She said something that I totally agree with and try to do everyday.
They were talking about how Ellen was scaring a lot of people on her show during Halloween week.
Seriously, did you see her scare Taylor Swift?
Funniest thing ever.

Anyways, she said that she found it important to try and stay childlike and play.
That people stop playing when they get older, but they shouldn't.

I totally, 100% agree with this.
Life is too short to not have fun and play.
I feel that's how I am now.
I like to act like a child, laugh, and have a grand ole time.
I try to not take things too seriously when they don't need to be.
I try my hardest to find the happy and positive things in situations.
And I think that is important.

Ellen also got me interested in making a "life list".
You know, a list of things you want to do before you die.
In my health class a couple of semesters ago, we actually had to write and turn one in.
I had seriously thought of this list beforehand, so that wasn't a hard assignment.
Here's my list of 21 things:

1) Visit France. This has actually branched out to just visit Europe, especially England.
2) Go to the Ellen show (yep, there you go!)
3) Tour a movie set
4) Create my own cartoon
5) Visit every Disney theme park. So far I have just been to DisneyWorld a couple of times.
6) Write a children's book
7) Go skydiving
8) Go to the Olympic games
9) Have artwork in a museum
10) Start and finish the same book in one day. I tried this over the summer. Almost, but not quite.
11) Learn to play guitar
12) Meet someone famous
13) Learn piano
14) Learn to write left handed
15) Visit all 50 states
16) Be on a game show
17) Go to a Broadway play
18) Learn French. I pretty much have that. I'm not fluent by all means, but I can say some things..
19) Design a set for a TV show or movie
20) Go on a cruise
21) Own an old truck

There you have it.
Thank you Ellen for inspiring me.
And now I tell you all this:
Go and be silly.
Scare the bajeesas out of people when they are going into the bathroom.
Color. Watch cartoons. Built fantastic forts.
Do funny walks to your car in the parking lot.
Dance and sing like crazy.
You only have one life to live.
Make it a good time.

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Vampire Diaries

You're about to get two posts from me is a very short amount of time, I'm aware.
However, I just finished watching The Vampire Diaries, and HAD to share with someone.
My roommate is now into the show, but she missed the episode tonight, so I have to wait until she watches it online this weekend to discuss with her.
And I can't wait that long.
This post is going to contain so many spoilers, so read at your own risk.

I have so many questions!!!!

What the hale Damon?
Don't go killing Stefan's bff.
I may or may not have cursed out loud when that happened.
And called Damon names.
And I was starting to really like Damon!!

What the hale?!
Going and killing your brother?!
Is he really dead?
He can't be dead.
Can he??

What the craps was that all about??
Did she really just wake up in the cemetery?
And what is the deal with this necklace thinger that Damon is so determined to get back?
And why does it keep shocking people?

I fell even harder for Stefan in the beginning of that episode y'all.
First, he flashed his abs.
That's really all it took.
He was looking ultra smexy tonight.
At least I found him ultra smexy tonight.
And he was playing pool and smiling
and then Damon ruined it all.

Alright, that's all.
I got to go to bed now.
I'm still all wound up on this.
You wanna talk about it, leave a comment.
We can be friends who talk about The Vampire Diaries.
And my love for Paul Wesley.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Will somebody please buy me this?

You can get this as a poster!!
I'd totally hang it up in my living room.

For those of you that don't know, this is what Michael Scott gave Jim and Pam for their wedding on The Office.
It is a lovely portrait of the happy couple.
He painted it himself.