Sunday, June 28, 2009

WEEK OFF!!!!1!!

Woot Woot!!
I gots the whole week off.
And here's what I have planned:

1) Watch all the Harry Potter movies.
5 days during the week.
5 movies.
We're good to go.

2) Rent season 4 of The Office from Blockbuster.
After I watch this season, I'm caught up and have seen them all.

3) Hit up the thrift stores.
The one uptown is calling my name.

4) Read.
I still have a stack of yet-to-be-read books.

5) Hit on some carnies.
Ok, scratch that one.
But I am going to go enjoy the carnival uptown.
Play me some Bingo.

6) Sleeeeeeep innnnnn.
Please don't call me before, oh lets say, 10.
or 11.

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