Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My bird-day.... in a couple weeks.
Usually I don't really care what I get for my birthday.
However, I have started to compile a list this year.

1) Breaking Dawn
Why don't I have this book yet??
I don't know either.

2) A new, cheap DVD player
My old one that I got for free at after prom Senior year crapped out on me.
A while ago.

3) These sunglasses.
Even if my sister says they look like "old men glasses."
Maybe now she won't steal them.

4) The Harry Potter 20 questions game in the Wal-Marks clearance aisle that I always find and play.
Come on y'all. It's in the clearance aisle. I'm not asking for much...

5) Edward Cullen action figure/doll.
For the love of Jesus, will someone please get me this.
You will be my favorite person forever.

6) Black Converse shoes.
Of the high-tops variety.
Because I'm that cool.

7) The book Harry Potter Should have Died.
It is by the Mugglenet folks.

I think that's all I've got...

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