Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Dose of Random

When Mom and I went to our work out class the other day, we worked out to High School Musical songs.
Not even kidding.
Nothing motivates you to work out and get skinny like the image of Zac Efron in your head.
Is it weird that I knew some of the words, and I've never really seen the movie??

I downloaded some Kings of Leon the other day.
And now I am in love.
I would be OK with them joining Sam Bradley some days for his "singing to me everyday".
Discovering music pretty much makes my day.

At work, the head of my department sewed through her finger.
Like, the needle broke inside her finger.
I'm getting light-headed just thinking about it.

We have apparently adopted a kitten.
The other day Mom and I heard a kitten outside and now it sticks around.
Because Mom keeps feeding her.
Mom's fiance called her Agnus, so that is her name now.
She hasn't been around for a while though.

I found this super cute swimming suit at the Wal-Marks yesterday.
And I have decided that if I can stick to this little diet/exercise thing I've got going on for the next couple weeks, I am going to buy it for myself.

I feel the need to explain the "Wal-Marks" term.
You see, that's what my 90 year old great-grandpa calls Wal-Mart.
Why, I'll never know.
But I liked it, so that's what I call it now.

Taylor told me he knew what he was going to get me for my birthday already.
When I asked him if it was the Edward Cullen doll, he said it was "better than Edward Cullen".
I'm not sure what that is.
For him it could be anything.
For me, the list is slightly (a lot) smaller.
I guess we'll see come July 5.

Mom told me the other day that I "had no style".
This is coming from the same woman who called me Bohemian.
Which I am not.

I wanna watch a movie....

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