Saturday, May 30, 2009

What da (Jasper) Hale??

Can we just discuss this here picture??

(I took this pic from They have a crap-ton of pictures. It is fantastic.)

I have so many things to say about this picture.

1) Why are they doing the Pledge of Allegiance?
Apparently the photographer was dangling a flag behind the camera.

2) Why is the British dude joining in on the Pledge?
And someone should have let him in on how we take off our hats for this.

3) I like the look on Kellen's face.
It is like he knows he looks stupid doing this.

4)Why is Cam standing in that manner?
He looks like Napoleon Dynamite.
("This is gonna be the best picture EVER! Gosh!)

5) Jackson, honey, your heart is about 5 inches higher.

6) Taylor, I have nothing to say about you...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Dose of Random

It is time for another installation of my random posts.
I know you are excited.
I even came up with a nifty little title.

You see this scarf?

I made that sucker.
I'm a pretty awesome weaver.

Work sucks.
I've been having to work 10 hour days.
It le sucks.
I'll be happy when I can get me a big person job.
And by "big person job", I mean one where I can actually use my degree.
And one where I get my summers off.

I had a combined Harry Potter-Twilight nerd moment at work today.
For some reason, Jacob Black was on my mind.
And werewolves.
And I have came to the conclusion that Jacob Black is more of an Animagus than a werewolf.
Cause, you know, he can decide when he turns into a wolf and all.
I'm still trying to figure out how this topic arrived in my head....

I'm listening to my iTunes, and I have no idea where this song came from.
I am not familiar with this tune.
A while ago, I came across Robert Pattinson's playlist and I may have downloaded a few of the songs on there.
Maybe that's where I got this.
It does sound like some other stuff he had on there..

When I was moving schtuff in K-ville, I talked to some Mormon dudes.
They seemed pretty cool.
They helped me get my ginormous painting into my car.
Then we started talking about religion.
I told them I was Catholic.
(When I told Mom about this part, she asked if they turned right around.)
(They didn't.)
I think they are going to bring me a free Book of Mormon.
Cause I told them it sounded interesting.
I like to learn what other people believe in sometimes.
When they asked me if I knew much about their religion, my first thought was
"Stephanie Meyer is Mormon."
I didn't tell them that though.

Backstreet Boys pretty much rock my socks.
...except I'm not wearing socks..
Cause it is summer time.

Sunday, I attempted to do my "read a book in a day" thing.
Didn't happen.
It almost did. I only had like 100 pages of Twilight left.
What happened was this:
I got tired of reading in my room, so I went to the living room.
You know, change of scenery.
Anywhoosits, my momma had Dirty Dancing on the tv.
And I became distracted.
I tried to read and watch at the same time...
but then Edward Cullen started taking on the likeness of Patrick Swayze.
Which, I mean, P. Swayze is pretty hot in that movie.
I'm just sayin'.

You know what I like?
This may sound weird.
But this is a random post. So it is OK.
Anyhooters, I really like the feeling of concrete on your feet.
I don't know why.

Ma seester (my sister) is in Chicago.
I'm just a little jealous.
I told her to pick me up some "literature" on the HP Exhibit when she goes to the Museum of Science and Industry.
And I may or may not have told her to take a picture of the entrance...

So one of my friends (you know who you are..) is crazy.
We were watching the American Idol finale and texting each other our thoughts.
(We're obviously cool people.)
Keith Urban comes on and sings with that Kris dude.
(I haven't really be watching this season so I don't know his last name..)
I texted her and said, "I love me some Keith Urban."
She replied with, "I'd rather hear him sing than talk. Don't like his accent."
Now, I have heard this before from her.
About a man named Robert Pattinson.
Now, for me, an accent can heighten the level of hotness.
Australians, Brits, and the Irish all get bumped up a notch or two on the scale.
Apparently, that is not the case for all...
(Note: She did say Rob's was growing on her. Good deal, Lucille.)
(Sub note: My friend's name isn't Lucille. I just like to rhyme from time to time.)

I have the song "Fancy" by Reba McEntire stuck in my head...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Dear Sam Bradley,

Hi. I have decided that I want you to sing to me everyday. Bring your guitar as well.


Friday, May 22, 2009

Who is excited?

(Yummy sandwich..)
This girl

For several reasons.

One. I don't have to work tomorrow or Monday. woot woot!

Two. I get to see Erin tomorrow when I go to K-ville to move schtuff.

Three. Since I don't have to work on Monday, I plan on spending the day reading. I have decided to accomplish my "read a book in a day" task. Twilight, we are about to become friends again. (Well...our friendship will grow. If that is possible..)

Four. Sunday is the MTV Movie awards. Now, I don't usually watch them. However, I will be tuning in this year. For two things. The HP trio and the Twilight trio (I'm gonna start callin them that now..) are going to be there to present clips from HP6 and New Moon. I am sooooooo frickin excited.

I was wrong.
The Movie Awards are next Sunday.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Miss Kristin Stewart

You know how I made a post about Robert Pattinson? Well, today I thought I would talk about Kristin Stewart.

I know some people have a problem with her as Bella. But I actually like her. I think no matter who they chose for that role, people would disagree.

So I have compiled list of some reasons why I like her.

1) I don't think I would be able to handle all this stuff the Twilight actors are going through. Seriously. Some of them fans are crazy. So I give her props for not going crazy. Like I would.

2) Also, I give her more props for handling the "What's it like to kiss Robert Pattinson?" question. For reals. Getting that same question over and over again would get kinda annoying.

3) I watched The Cake Eaters the other day. I wanted to watch a movie with her where she wasn't Bella Swan. She was really good in it. I give it two thumbs up. Y'all should watch that schtuff.

4) She seems really mature. Like, she's the same age as my sister and seems way more mature. Heck, she's three years younger than me and seems more mature than I am.

5) She acts like she doesn't give a crap about things. Like, she walks around in sweatpants with her hair all whatever. And I like that. Cause that's what I do. (bee-tea-dub, I'm currently in sweatpants with my hair all whatever.)

6) She's just so darn cute. Check out how cute she is:

With that being said, I do have a couple pieces of advice for you, Miss Stewart:

1) If that actually was pot you were smokin out on your front porch with your boyfriend, you might want to lay off it. Drugs are bad. Or at least don't do them on your porch where all can see. (I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and saying that it was actually just tobacco in that pipe.)

2) Smile once in a while! :)

3) You were on the cover of Ok! magazine, and your hair was looking a little greasy. You may want to wash that. Tell Rob he should wash his too.

What brought this on was Perez Hilton. He doesn't like her. I just think he is jealous. Anyways, a while ago he posted a video of her in an interview for her movie Adventureland (which I still need to see...). In this interview, she was asked about Rob. When they asked her this question, I guess she kinda rolled her eyes. Well, Perez didn't like this. He thought it was rude and all. I felt the need to defend her. I actually don't blame her for the eye rolling. Was Rob in Adventureland? Nope. Was she being interviewed about the movie she actually is in with Rob? Nope. Therefore, Mr. Interviewer, don't ask questions about it. Focus on the movie you are supposed to be reporting on.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sweet niblets.

Remember the other day when I had that really random post??
Yeah, I thought that was fun, so I'm gonna do it again.

It is summer!!
Woot Woot.

I got burnt at my sister's track meet the other day.
My face is all sorts of red.
As are my hands.
What makes it really good is that I was wearing my super cool aviator sunglasses.
I kept asking people if my face was red.
Their response every time was no.
I get face is red.
Oh well...I gots the aloe vera stored up in the fridge.

I want a cake by Duff Goldman.
You know, the Ace of Cakes guy.
Them cakes are at least $1000 though.
Good grief.

We went to see Ghosts of Girlfriends Past.
It was only alright.
Matty was not shirtless near enough.

They showed the HP trailer before the movie.
I don't think I breathed the entire time.
I'm so freaking excited.
After the trailer, I heard this behind me:

Woman1: I don't like fantasy. It just isn't my genre.
Woman2: How can we be friends?

I have often thought that regarding my own friends.....

My mom and sister watch Brothers and Sisters every week.
My sister is currently cracking up laughing at this line:
This place is nuttier than a fruit cake.

and I just chuckled at this line:
So much for being Switzerland.

cause it reminded me of Twilight.

I started works at my new summer job today.
It went alright.
I just marked fabric and cut out things today.
It was a lot different than my last summer job.
The job I've had the last couple summer, I've had to work with men.
Now I work with women.
The men are more fun I think.

You know that creeper guy that has been roaming around town?
We have named him Ted.
Cause it sounds like Ed.

My wireless internets have not been working here at home.
So I have to plug in to Mom's internet.
Pain in the buttocks.

When I was packing to come home Friday, I packed a box that I named the
"box o'awesomeness."
Cause it really was.
The only things I could fit in there were Harry and Twilight schtuffs.
The contents were:
6 Harrys (the 7th couldn't fit)+ 3 Twilights (I don't have Breaking Dawn)+ 5 HP movies+ 1 Twilight movie+ 1 Driving Lessons movie (for extra good measure)

I gots to go.
Ma sister needs the internets.
I need to think of a catchy title for this here randomness series.
Any good thoughts???

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I am dead.

That's right.
School has killed me.
There comes a point every semester where I just stop caring about things.
Things that I definitely should be caring about.
For example: finals.
However, I am just too worn out and sick of school that I just don't care.
Ok, I do care.
I'm just ready for a break.
A long one.
Therefore, I welcome summer time with open arms.
(after I take this French final tomorrow that is.)

I have a lot of fun projects lined up for this summer.
And some fun places I want to go.

First off, I'm going to teach myself how to play guitar.
I'm pretty damned excited.
I gots a book and everything.

Also on the agenda: reading a lot of books.
Kaitlin left me a couple that she said I need to read.
I'm also going to attempt my "read a book in a day" goal.
I'm starting that off easy though.
I'm just gonna re-read Twilight.
E-ron read it in three hours, so I think I can accomplish this.

I'm going to rework a lot of my art projects this summer.
I have a few paintings I want to fix.
And a couple fibers projects that need to be reworked.

I'm going to Chicago.
I'm super duper stoked about this.
HP exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry: be ready for me.
Cause I'm headed your direction.

I'm turning 22.
After you turn 21, you have no more exciting birthdays to look forward to.
Oh well though.
It will for sure be a blast.
Will somebody please get me this cake:
I found this wonderfully remade cake on
I pretty much think I need it for my birthday.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My momma

I like my mom a lot.
For serious.
She says the most random things.
(This is probably where my sister and I get this...)
We were watching American Idol the other day.
Now, I haven't been paying attention to this season.
Because I don't have the time.
But I have heard about all the contestants and everything.
Anyways, my momma thinks Adam Lambert is weird.
She says that he seems like a nice guy and all and he can sing, but he's weird.
I didn't really completely figure out what she meant or how he acquired this "weirdness" by her, but oh well.
Then, this came out of her mouth:

"He's just, like, a dirty weird. I'd be like, 'Don't touch me you're weird.'"

I laughed for a good long time about this.
Because he doesn't seem like a dirty guy to me.

I wonder what she would say about this cat:

Monday, May 4, 2009

Fun times

This is going to be a really random post. It is pretty much gonna just be things that come up in my head as I sit here and do other things.

So my roommate and I are really fun people.
I'm pretty sure people think we are drunk when we are, in fact, sober.
We tend to be loud and obnoxious.
And I take delight in that.
Yesterday and Sunday, we did funny skips/walks in the parking lot after eating free finals week donuts on campus.
Yesterday, we specifically parked in the back of the parking lot so we had more room to do our funny skips/walks.
Cause we are cool people.

I made a beanstalk for my fibers project.
That's right, I now have a 14 foot long fabric beanstalk. It is pretty sweet.
I have extra leaves.

Oliver Wood is my background on my computer. Just so you know.
He is one of the underrated Hotties of Hogwarts I feel.
You know, along with Ron and Cedric and Seamus and Draco and Harry.
Any more come to mind??

I'm watching Harry Potter right now, as a matter of fact.
Goblet of Fire to be more specific.
Cause it is my favorite.
And not just because of Cedric.
I actually really like the Triwizard Tournament.
And this is the one where all hell breaks loose.

Speaking of HP, Kaitlin and I were discussing the various deaths in this here series and who's death made us cry.
We mentioned, you know, Sirius and that death in book 6 (I'll keep it spoiler free for those of you who are just movie watchers. shame shame. ..although I was once like you (and I liked to do the wild thing. haha good song).)
Anyways, I mentioned how I still cry when Cedric dies.
My roommate's reaction when like this: weird look, followed by "I don't give a crap about Cedric."
I about had a heart attack!
Ok, maybe not, but still.
I replied with "But like, he's dead and Harry is scared and Voldemort is back is just really emotional."
Cause it is.
(Just so you know, according to my spell checker-thing on Firefox, Voldemort is spelled wrong. As is Triwizard. ...Firefox just doesn't know...)

I gots me a job interview tomorrow!! Woot woot! Wish me luck.

After we did funny walks/skips in the parking lot, we decided to drive around and listen to Electric Avenue.
Really loudly.
And we danced.
Cause you know, we're cool people remember.

I have been letting my hair go curly here lately.
It is weird. My hair normally is just straight, and here lately it has been going wavy/curly.
If I knew that all it would take would be some mousse and hairspray I would have been doing this a long time ago.
It sure is a lot easier than straightening it.
Taylor likes it.
He told me.

I am going to Chicago this summer.
For reals.
We're going to the Museum of Science and Industry for the Harry Potter exhibit.
I'm super duper excited.
As long as I get to see Ron Weasley's Yule Ball get-up, it will be a successful trip.

haha Filch running pretty much makes my day. and Barty Crouch Sr. has a Hitler-stash.

You know what is really neato??
Rupert Grint has an ice cream truck.
I really hope he, like, drives it around England.
That's the coolest, most random thing ever.
For this reason, among others, we should be friends.

Well, sorry for the most random blog post in the history of blog posts. I'm sure you enjoyed it though.
I'm off.

C'est finals week.

And I am taking a break.
How'd you like that French action in the heading?? I have that final Friday...

Funny story:
I know how you like my funny stories, so here's a good one.
I was sittin' here on my computer, with my iTunes on shuffle, reading some interesting stuff.
And by "interesting stuff", I mean I was into it earlier, but now have completely forgot what it was.
Anywhosits, I was all focused on my reading, with my face 6 inches from the screen (I may go blind) and suddenly I hear, quite loudly as a matter of fact, this:

"Are you afraid?!"

That's right.
Robert Pattinson/Eddo was screaming these words at me.
And let me tell you, I was a little afraid.
I may have almost peed my pants.
If Kaitlin would have been here, she would have gotten a good laugh.
So, why was this being screamed at me, you ask?
Well, because that's how the Bella's Lullaby Remix starts.
You know, the one I got for free when I ordered our Twilight tickets online.
And iTunes finds it necessary to play it on high volumes when it comes up on shuffle.

Alrighty. I gots to go study for the final I have tonight.
Wish me luck!!