Sunday, June 28, 2009

WEEK OFF!!!!1!!

Woot Woot!!
I gots the whole week off.
And here's what I have planned:

1) Watch all the Harry Potter movies.
5 days during the week.
5 movies.
We're good to go.

2) Rent season 4 of The Office from Blockbuster.
After I watch this season, I'm caught up and have seen them all.

3) Hit up the thrift stores.
The one uptown is calling my name.

4) Read.
I still have a stack of yet-to-be-read books.

5) Hit on some carnies.
Ok, scratch that one.
But I am going to go enjoy the carnival uptown.
Play me some Bingo.

6) Sleeeeeeep innnnnn.
Please don't call me before, oh lets say, 10.
or 11.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


I love me some music.
Any music.
I have the most random taste ever.
I'm pretty sure today I went from Van Morrison, to Harry and the Potters, to Paramore.
I like some variety.

Anywhoosits, at work I can listen to my iPod.
I have been asked twice now by two different people what I am listening to.
And I am perfectly ok with letting people know.

The first time this girl asked me what I was listening to, it happened to be Paramore.
She had never heard of them.
One of my friends asked me if I "educated her".
Which I did.

So today, another girl asked what I was listening to.
This time it was Fall Out Boy.
When I told her this, she gave me a weird look.
What is wrong with Fall Out Boy??
Pete Wentz? Hello????

I'm not really sure where I was going with this.
I am not at all ashamed of my random music selection.
Sometimes, I happen to rock out to some Backstreet Boys at work.
I'm just waiting for the day when I am listening to them and someone asks me what I'm listening to.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Dear Taylor Lautner,

Hi. Wow, my second letter to you. You should feel special.

Anyways, my sister has a crush on you. The other day, we were walking through the clothing department in Wal-Marks. She found Twilight t-shirts and was pointing at a "Team Jacob" shirt when this conversation went down:

Abby: Look, Whit. Twilight shirts. *points to Team Jacob shirt*
Me: Are you turning Team Jacob on me now?
Abby: Well, he is hotter.

So, there you go. My sister thinks you are hotter than Robert Pattinson.

I mean, you and her are about the same age. She is a little older than you, but only by, like, a year. I would totally be alright with you all getting together.


PS- We may need to educate her on your character. When I tested her and asked what Jacob's last name was, she responded with "Jacob Werewolf-man Hot-pants". (I told her that was, in fact, Jacob's full name..)

And, yes. She has seen the movie. A couple times.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My bird-day.... in a couple weeks.
Usually I don't really care what I get for my birthday.
However, I have started to compile a list this year.

1) Breaking Dawn
Why don't I have this book yet??
I don't know either.

2) A new, cheap DVD player
My old one that I got for free at after prom Senior year crapped out on me.
A while ago.

3) These sunglasses.
Even if my sister says they look like "old men glasses."
Maybe now she won't steal them.

4) The Harry Potter 20 questions game in the Wal-Marks clearance aisle that I always find and play.
Come on y'all. It's in the clearance aisle. I'm not asking for much...

5) Edward Cullen action figure/doll.
For the love of Jesus, will someone please get me this.
You will be my favorite person forever.

6) Black Converse shoes.
Of the high-tops variety.
Because I'm that cool.

7) The book Harry Potter Should have Died.
It is by the Mugglenet folks.

I think that's all I've got...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Dear people I work with,

Hi. I just wanted to apologize for my humming along to my iPod at work. I just want to share the fantastic music I have playing in my ears with all. I know you like it. Maybe you could start up a fun game of "Name that Tune".

Hey, at least I'm not singing...


PS-- Yes, that was the Harry Potter theme song you heard me humming the other day.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

What da hale?!

So, you know how Taylor told me my birthday present was "better than Edward Cullen"?
Well, at the time I was wondering whether he meant it was better than the Edward doll, or actually Edward Cullen.
I found my answer yesterday.

We were going out to eat with one of our friends, and somehow my birthday came up in conversation again.
Anyway, he said my present was "better than Rob."
Better than Rob, eh??
I am still a little shocked that he actually knew his name.

But, seriously.
Better than this cat??

We will have to see....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Dose of Random

When Mom and I went to our work out class the other day, we worked out to High School Musical songs.
Not even kidding.
Nothing motivates you to work out and get skinny like the image of Zac Efron in your head.
Is it weird that I knew some of the words, and I've never really seen the movie??

I downloaded some Kings of Leon the other day.
And now I am in love.
I would be OK with them joining Sam Bradley some days for his "singing to me everyday".
Discovering music pretty much makes my day.

At work, the head of my department sewed through her finger.
Like, the needle broke inside her finger.
I'm getting light-headed just thinking about it.

We have apparently adopted a kitten.
The other day Mom and I heard a kitten outside and now it sticks around.
Because Mom keeps feeding her.
Mom's fiance called her Agnus, so that is her name now.
She hasn't been around for a while though.

I found this super cute swimming suit at the Wal-Marks yesterday.
And I have decided that if I can stick to this little diet/exercise thing I've got going on for the next couple weeks, I am going to buy it for myself.

I feel the need to explain the "Wal-Marks" term.
You see, that's what my 90 year old great-grandpa calls Wal-Mart.
Why, I'll never know.
But I liked it, so that's what I call it now.

Taylor told me he knew what he was going to get me for my birthday already.
When I asked him if it was the Edward Cullen doll, he said it was "better than Edward Cullen".
I'm not sure what that is.
For him it could be anything.
For me, the list is slightly (a lot) smaller.
I guess we'll see come July 5.

Mom told me the other day that I "had no style".
This is coming from the same woman who called me Bohemian.
Which I am not.

I wanna watch a movie....

Monday, June 8, 2009

Letters: Celebrity Edition

Dear Jude Law,

Hi. You are a hottie-cakes.

The End.



Dear Robert Pattinson,

Hi. You are also a hottie-cakes. But that is for a different time. Right now, I wanna fill you in on a funny little story.

The other day, I was dropping my sister off for her Chicago trip. We were sitting in my car waiting for more people to show up and your song Never Think happened to start playing, cause, you know, I just happened to be listening to that cd. Anyways, I started "singing" along. My sister commented on how other people could probably hear me cause the windows were rolled down. I told her I didn't really care and asked her if we (you and I) should do a duet.

Then that got me thinking. We should do a duet of your songs. I mean, I don't really know all the words, but I think that is the least of our worries. I'll just hum and mumble along like I usually do. Get back to me on this.



Dear Andy Samburg,

Hi. We need to be best friends. Fer reals. One of my friends actually agreed that you and I should be best friends.



Dear Taylor Lautner,

Hi. When I saw that little trailer for New Moon, I had to remind myself that you are only like 17. And I am not. Because, daaaaaaaaang!! You've been doing some killer workouts haven't you?! Way to be, man.



Dear Kristin Stewart,

Hi. Way to drop your award there at those MTV Movie Awards, Butterfingers. That was pretty much the greatest thing ever. I think I like you even more now.


Also, you win my award for best shoes at the MTV Movie Awards. What da hale did Ashley Tisdale have on her feet?? You should prolly give her some advice. (I know some people don't agree with me on this....but I don't care.)


Dear Rupert Grint,

Hi. I just didn't want you to think I have forgotten about you. Cause I definitely haven't.

Sweet niblets I am excited to see Half Blood Prince.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What da hale??

Greatest video ever??

I think so.

Kaitlin: He probably wants to play us.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Dear Rob's Butt-holder Dude,

Hi. How exactly did you go about getting this job? Was there some sort of application where the job was described as "rump holder"? Was there an interview/audition process? Because, where was I when this job was looking to be filled??

Here's how I picture it going down:
(In this little situation, you're name is Mark. Because I don't actually know your name and Mark sounded good. The other two names are made up also.)

Director Weitz: "Alright. Stan, you are going to hold the mic in this shot.
Stan: **nods**
Director Weitz: Clive, you are going to hold this light right here.
Clive: **nods**
Director Weitz: And Mark, you are going to be the holder of Rob's buttocks. Just make sure Rob and Kristin don't fall down when Kristin runs into him.
Mark: **fist thrown in air as Stan and Clive look on with jealousy**

Is that what really happened "Mark"? I bet it was.

How many times did you fall over? Did you ever just move out of the way at the last minute so they would fall over?? How about just not actually holding them so they would fall on top of you?? (I would...I'mjustsayin') Did you think about throwing in some goosing action?? Admit it, you did.

The entertainment options are endless for your job!

Forever jealous,

Monday, June 1, 2009

Funny Story

So Momma and I have been on a "getting healthy" kick. Twice a week we have been going to this workout center and doing one of the classes. And I'm gonna suggest we go for a walk the other days. I've been trying to eat healthier and drink way less soda, which I have been pretty good at surprisingly.

Anyways, today we were working out and we were doing exercises on those big exercise balls. While we were going through it all, the only thing I could think of was that time on The Office when Dwight gets one of those big balls (that's what she said) and brings it to work and Jim pops it. The other ladies were even talking about how it would be better for your back and all if you got rid of your work desk chair and used an exercise ball instead.

Good times...