Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Twi-nerd moment of the week.

Yo, I'm getting ready to do some spoiling right now.
So, if you are one of the 5 people in the world who hasn't read Breaking Dawn and HP and the Deathly Hallows, I'd stop reading now.

The other day in the shower (I have my best/most random thoughts in the shower) I was thinking about Breaking Dawn.
It is best to not ask questions.
Anyways, the main thought I was having was about the name "Renesmee".
It's a weird name, right?
But then again, she's a weird baby, so she deserves a weird name, right?
Anyhoo, I was thinking about Edward's thoughts on this name.
Because I feel that at the time it was brought up as a possibility, he didn't really think the baby and probably Bella would live.
So therefore, he wouldn't have to deal with his child being named "Renesmee".
And why bring up the stupidity of the name with your dying wife?

So, then I started thinking about after Renesmee was born and everyone was all good and living.
I bet you Edward was all crazy then.
Cause now he has to live with the fact that his kid is named Renesmee.
I bet he was all like, "Ahh poops.* Now we have to actually call the kid that now. I thought she was only kidding at first but apparently this is for real."

Also, I think this is what Ginny Weasley-Potter thought as well.
I'm pretty positive she thought Harry was only joking when he suggested Albus Severus for their child's name.
Only to find out a little too late that he wasn't.

*Yeah, Ed Cullen totally says "Ahh poops".

1 comment:

Erin said...

Um, I spell "anywhoo" with a 'w,' which you can probably tell from what I just posted.

And I like how your comments are "neat thoughts."