Sunday, August 30, 2009

Yes, it is August and I've already been working on Halloween.

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays.
I love to get all dressed up as something fun and walk around, doing fun things.
Now, my last three Halloween costumes have shown my lovely nerd side.
They have all been book characters.

Freshman Year
Ok, so you can't see this one.
I couldn't find a good one that showcased my awesome costume in the entirety.
But I was Dorothy.
From the Wizard of Oz. (of course!)

Sophomore Year
Check it out, yo.
I pulled out the Hermione Granger awesomeness.
I even printed off and cut out a Gryffindor badge to put on my cloak.
That costume was sweet.

Junior Year (last year)
This costume was probably the most ghetto costume ever.
I made the dress out of this crazy slick fabric that I thought would look awesome, but just made making the dress more difficult.
Then, I thought my dad had a boot I could wear so it looks like I had a broken foot, but he didn't.
So, instead I took an old work boot he had, tore it all up and painted it to look like a boot.
The result was an awesome version of Bella Swan.
And nobody knew who I was. (Fools!)

So anyways, this year Halloween will be amazing.
I was kinda joking when I told my friends what I was going to be, but I'm actually going to do it.
And it is going to be my cheapest costume yet, because I have all the necessary pieces in my wardrobe already.
What will I be, you ask??
Well, here's a clue.
I am basing it off of this outfit:
Did you figure it out??
Awesome. Don't you think it is made of win?
Well, then I guess you're gonna have to just wait till Halloween when all is revealed.

I'm off to practice up on my facial expression for Halloween.
(Trust, I need to get that down pat for this costume to succeed.)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thinking about my senior show is kinda scary

So I just had my first and only class for today. It's nice only having one class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The other days are not quite as easy, but oh well. I actually just had to add a class that I didn't know I needed. Good thing it is only one credit and just one day a week.

Anyways, this first and only class I had today was my Fibers class. You know, my major. And since I'm a senior and all (woah! That's crazy.) I have to start thinking about what I want to do for my senior art show. This semester, I get to start working on projects for my show that will be next semester. I'm supposed to have a proposal ready for what I want to do for my first project for this semester, and I'm not sure what I want to do. Cause first I really need to decide what I want to do for my show. Normally it can take me a while to come up with things, but this time is different. I thought about this a lot this summer and I now have narrowed it down to a couple of ideas.

Idea Number 1: Weaving. My professor really liked my weaving skills last semester, and I really enjoyed doing it. Thing is, I don't really know what to weave exactly. I saw this chick at the state fair who was weaving with strips of fabric, so I thought that would be cool. I had actually thought about doing this before, so I might go with that. I'm not sure how to create that into a show, but I can figure something out.

Idea Number 2: Printing. I actually like printing on fabric. And this summer, I fell in love with some awesome printed fabric and came up with some fun ideas of my own. And I thought I could come up with a cool way of displaying the fabric when I was done with it.

So there you go. Now I have to make a decision.

Watch, I'll prolly come up with something totally different.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Goodbye, summer...

Summer is almost over.
Classes start back up tomorrow.
At the beginning of the summer I made a list of things I wanted to do this summer.
I thought I'd look back on that now.

1) Learning to play guitar.
OK, so I actually just started this.
I can maybe play three notes.
STATUS: semi-accomplished.

2) Read a lot of books/read a book in a day.
This one was two-fold.
I didn't really read as much as I wanted this summer.
And I didn't do my book in a day, although I did try.
STATUS: unaccomplished.

3) Rework a lot of art projects.
Umm...we're not gonna talk about this.
STATUS: failed.

4) Go to Chicago.
Did it!
Best day of my life.
STATUS: Success!

5) Turn 22.
Well, I really didn't have a choice on this one...
STATUS: know...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Back in the day...

Last week, my sister, cousin, and I went and spent a night at my grandparents' house like we would do when we were youngens. We thought it would be a fun thing to do before we all left for college. (We're actually all going to the same college, but whatever..) And while we were there, we made sure to do some of the things we used to do when we were kids.

You see, pretty much every other weekend, we would go spend Saturday night with my grandparents. My grandpa would come into town to get the three of us on Saturday afternoon, and we would head out to have fun times on the farm.

When we were young, we would ride our bikes up and down the long driveway. When we got older, we would ride the four-wheeler around. The three of us would pile up on there and off we would go, taking turns driving. Once when I was driving, I drove under a tree and the branch hit my sister in the face. This is when she spoke the now famous phrase, "Tears taste good."

My grandma would always fix a good dinner. It usually consisted of roast or some other meat and mashed potatoes made from potatoes from their garden. I think I could eat my weight in those mashed potatoes. While my grandma was fixing dinner, you could usually find my grandpa sitting in his chair, drinking a beer, watching Wheel of Fortune. Not even kidding.

After dinner, it was movie time. And what movie did we usually always watch? The Nightmare Before Christmas. My grandma spent $3 for this movie at a garage sale I'm pretty sure, and I think it was prolly the best $3 she ever spent. We definitely made sure to watch this last week.

During our movie watching, we would usually eat a bowl of ice cream. Nothing like filling us up with sugar before bed. Anyways, for some reason we liked to eat our ice cream when it was a little bit runny. Now, you can accomplish this one of two ways. Either you stir it up real good, or you just stick it in the microwave for a few seconds. Don't ask me why in God's name we would do this, because I don't have an answer for you.

I loved staying at my grandparents' house. Running around on the farm. Walking through the "jungle" (the corn in the garden). Getting up for church on Sunday morning and then going to my great-grandparents' house after. It was all just a really fun time that I will miss from my childhood.

Look at how cute we are.

Friday, August 21, 2009


My momma thinks the following people are "in need of a good eyebrow wax."

1) D Rad

2) Zefron

3) This cat
(She also may think he needs a good haircut. Or at least a comb.)
("What da hale?? I ain't waxin ma eyebrows.")

Does anyone else think dudes waxing their eyebrows is kinda weird??

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Funny Story (from a while ago.)

I wrote this a long time ago. And am just now getting to posting it.
I'm such a slacker...

Anyways, for my birthday we went to go see a movie.
My sister and my cousin went to see Year One while my mom, one of my friends, and I went to see The Proposal.

First off: I love Ryan Reynolds.

And now for the actual funny story.
One of the trailers they showed before the movie was New Moon.
My friend and I got really excited.
Now, if you haven't seen it, you should.
Here, I'll make it easy for ya.
Click here.

Well, Mom isn't into the Twilight business.
I'm kinda really ok with that.
But we were sitting there.
Watching the trailer.
And the part where Jacob shows up all shirtless comes up.
And I hear this two seats down from me:
Who did this come from??
My mother.

Mom, he's young enough to be your son.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Dear JoAnn's Fabric Store,

Hi. You are my favorite store ever. I'm sure I could spend my entire paycheck on the amazing things you contain, but I have to restrain myself. You see, when I visited the time before last, I was on a schedule. My sister, who doesn't appreciate this fabulous store as much as I do, was in a hurry to get home. I was looking for some fabric for curtains, and this is what I found:

I'm very excited about it.

Then this last time, I was by myself and had all the time in the world. I also had a 50% off coupon, which meant very fun times. I ended up buying this:

Now, I wasn't sure what I was gonna do with this fabric when I bought it. I just really really liked it. Well, today at work, it hit me. I knew exactly what I was going to do. So after work, I hit up the Wal-Marks and got the rest of the supplies I needed. Now I just have to get to it.

Are you wondering what I am planning on doing? Well, you're just gonna have to wait and see.


PS- It may or may not involve this:

Sunday, August 2, 2009


I got Taylor to watch a Harry Potter movie with me!!
And he liked it!!

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince finally made it to our little theatre uptown this weekend.
And I had told myself that when it came up here, I would go watch it again.
Well, we decided Friday night that we would go see a movie, and he let me pick it.
Sooo, our little rumps went and saw HP.
When we got out of the movie, I asked if he was gonna watch the rest of them with me.
He replied,
"If they are as good as that one, then yeah."
