Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I hope the contents of this post doesn't change your view of me. I am really a very nice person, but right now I need to rant. And no one is around for me to rant to. And my mom is at work. So I'm using this as a means for me to get things off my chest.

With that being said, I'm really stressing and freaking out right now. In two weeks, I will be done with school for the summer.
I have a fibers project due in a week, and it has a lot left to be done to it.
Why, you ask, aren't I in there working on my project now?
Well, because she has a class in there now.
So I can't.
(So if you are going to be looking for me this weekend, you should probably check the art building first.)
And then, on top of that, I have other finals to worry about.
A couple of them I'm not too awfully worried about, except for this History of Magic (Medieval Art, remember?) final where I have to prepare 3 essays and then he just gives me one.
ugh. I knew I should have been paying more attention in that class.

So when school is over, I should be less stressed right?
It will be summer time and that means no stress right?
I have no job this summer right now.
This means I will be making no money right now. And this isn't good.
Why you ask?
Because I have to pay rent on 2 (count them: 1, 2) apartments this summer.
And I may not be staying in either of them this summer. (Unless I get a job here, which we are still crossing our fingers for.)
While my roommate and I thought we had a subleaser for one apartment this summer, I guess we don't now. And we just found this out.
Fifteen minutes ago.
Two weeks before summer.
Are you freaking kidding me?!
I call him to tell him he needs to give us his down payment and first month's rent, and he tells me he found somewhere else.
I haven't broke this news to my mom yet. She's gonna freak. And then want his phone number so she can call him. I guarantee it. Which might be a little funny to see. haha.

So anyways, I think I'm done ranting now. I'm sorry for all that. I have to go to a party store now and find stuff for my mom for my sister's graduation party. Nothing like going to a party store all crazy stressed and mad. ha.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Animals with Human Names

We like this. A lot. Have you seen these commercials involving animals with human names?? Like the Oreo sticks one with the elephant named Brandon. Or the California cheese one with the cow named Heather. Well, we (Kaitlin and I) like it when animals have human names.

So when we get a dog (which will probably never happen....) we are giving it a human name. We have decided on Robert. Sound good? We think so.

(Also, I actually didn't come up with this name. So you can't make fun of me for naming my dog after Mr. Pattinson.)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I want that..

The other day, I came to this realization. I really want to own an old truck. You know, one that is all made up real nice. Not one that looks like this...

I don't know why really, except for the fact that I would obviously look really cool.

Monday, April 20, 2009

My Super Happening Weekend

This weekend, I...

1)...had curly/wavy hair.
So you all know my hair is pretty much straight. Always. Saturday, though, it decided it would agree with me and go curly for the day. Erin says it is because it is humid; I just think it is because I'm awesome. I'm sorry I didn't document this. Maybe it will happen again.

2)...had a Twilight nerd moment.
Usually my nerd moments relate to Harry Potter. This weekend though I had a Twilight one. This is how it went down: My sister just got back together with her boyfriend. Well, in their time part, she found someone else to go to prom with. You know, just as friends. Well her and her bf were talking about whether or not he would go to prom. I guess his mom told him he should go since it is his senior year and all. These words came out of my mouth: "Prom is an important rite of passage. I wouldn't want you to miss anything."

..........Face. Meet palm........

In case you didn't know, that line was said by this cat here...

3)...went to see 17 Again.
I'll give my little movie review here.
Thumbs up!
Zac Efron. That's all that really needs to be said. After Rupert Grint and Rob, he's right up there on my list of celebrity crushes. He seems to play basketball in every movie he is in. I don't really have a problem with that, especially when he does it without a shirt.
It was a really good movie though.

4)...learned that my grandma has seen Twilight.
She didn't like it though. Not that I really expected her to. I was just shocked that she has actually seen it. I should have asked her if she thought Ed was hot....

5)...discovered that there is an Edward Cullen roaming around my town.
(Ed is mentioned in this post a lot...)
This is actually really creepy. It just makes me feel a little better when I can make light of it and laugh. That's how I deal with things. Anyways, apparently there has been someone in town that looks in people's windows. And here lately, I guess he (or she...I don't know if we really know) has broken into people's houses and just watches them sleep. Like doesn't steal things just pulls an Ed and watches them sleep. Creepy right.
Further evidence Ed is here:
I took a creep-tastic picture when I went to the DG the other day. Apparently Ed shops at Dollar General cause I spotted his silver Volvo there. However, I seriously fail on the "taking pictures of things" front. The evidence of this occurence is on my phone, however the cord to connect the phone to the computer is not with me. Sad time.

6)...found out my future step-sister has met Stephenie Meyer.
Yep. I was jealous. Super jealous. My eventual step-sister lives in Texas and I guess there is a book festival or something like that that she volunteers to work for and she sometimes gets to meet the authors and escort them places. And once she got to escort Stephenie Meyer. She said she was really cool and nice. I'm thinkin someone needs to get me a job working at this festival.

7)...asked my sister if she wanted to go see Little Ashes with me.
Actually, the exact words out of my mouth were something along the lines of: "Do you want to go see Rob's new movie with me?! He's a little gay and apparently gets naked."
Her response?


Sunday, April 19, 2009


Dear Microsoft Office Word,

Hi. Just wanted to let you know that when I am typing a paper, most likely it is going to be in English. Therefore, the spell check should be set on English. I don't know how this happened, but somehow spell check finds it necessary to be set to French. I will let you know when I am writing a French paper. Ok? Great. Thanks.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Things I don't know

Why is it that people say good things are "the greatest thing since sliced bread"?? Was sliced bread all that fantastic when it was first discovered/invented? Have we really not had any new discoveries/inventions since then that take the place of sliced bread in this little saying??

I don't know.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Don't be jealous of my coolness.

Sometimes I use words/phrases/other cool stuff I learned from Harry Potter in my everyday life conversations. Examples:

History of Magic: This is what I call my Medieval Art class. This is the story about why I started calling it this: I was sitting in class one day, not at all paying attention, and this thought went through my head, "I feel like Ron Weasley in History of Magic". A couple days later, I woke up and was reeeeeeealy tired. Then this thought went through my head: "Maybe I can sleep in History of Magic today. ....Wait....I'm not in History of Magic." So there you go. And sometimes when I'm talking to people about this class, I have to remember not to call it History of Magic.

Snogging: I just think this is a fun word. Those British folks and their cool words.

Bloody Hell: I'm taking a hint from Ronald Bilius Weasley and am using this.

Merlin's Beard: This too.

Fellytone: And this.

I'll add more to this list as they come to me.

Mr. Robert Pattinson

So I don't think it is new news to anyone that I love this man. I think looking at previous posts will show that, and if you actually know me, well then you really know about all this. I liked him when he was Cedric and now I like him as Ed. Well, I was bored and was looking around online and found (1) pictures of fans with Rob, and (2) a video of a chick telling about her encounter with Rob. After I saw this, I realized what I would do if I ever actually ran into him. Not actually "run into" him, you know, but happen to see him walking around.

I decided I wouldn't go talk to him. Yeah, you read that right. I wouldn't go talk to him. There are a couple reasons for this.

First off, I'm not the type of person that just walks up to people I don't really know and talk to them. I think that is awkward. I mean, what exactly do you say to someone like that without coming off as a complete creeper?! I know if I was in his place, I would think all those people were crazies.

Second off, I kinda feel sorry for the dude. I feel like he should be able to walk around or eat his foods or hang out in peace. Without crazy people coming up to him and asking him for a picture or autograph or saying how much they are in love with him. I enjoy my peaceful meals, so I'd let him enjoy his.

On another similar note, if it is possible to bond with someone without ever meeting the person, well then that happened with me and Rob the other day. I saw somewhere where he doesn't like to watch his own movies. It totally freaks him out apparently to have his movies out there for people to see. At first I was like "Dude, then why did you go into this business?!?" But then I realized I do the same exact thing with my art. It really freaks me out to have other people look at anything I make. I always feel like they are judging it and think it is horrible and all this other bad stuff. But I still do it because I like making art, so I guess maybe that's why Rob does movies still. So there we go, a little similarity between me and Roberto.

So, Mr. Pattinson, if I ever get to see you walking around town or eating foods, I won't come up and talk to you. That, however, doesn't stop you from coming up and talking to me. Cause I'm a fun person. And by the looks of things....

so are you.

ps- I don't know where this picture is from or what is in his hair, but I like it.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Dear People-that-I-steal-wireless-from-when-I'm-home,

Hi. I don't know who you are. I mean, I probably know you, but I don't know who I'm stealing internet from. I just wanted to say thanks. I really appreciate it.

Also, the signal has been kinda crappy this weekend. It isn't working too well and is causing me to have to plug my little laptop in to get the internet, which is just a hassle. You might want to check on that.


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Cool Stuff

New Section!!

So I thought it would be sweet to make a new little section-y thing where I name some random thing that is pretty cool. Sound good?

Cool Thing Number 1:
Finding money in your pocket you didn't know was there. Like when you pull on your favorite pants, reach into your pocket, and pull out that nice, clean dollar bill that went through the washer.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I figured out something I want to do with my life!! Kinda. At least I think it would be cool. I was driving downtown today and saw the vintage bookshop. I think I need to own a used bookstore. And in the back, I could make my art stuff. And sell it in the front with the books. And maybe we could have a little coffee area where people could drink coffee and socialize and read books. Anybody wanna go into business with me?!

I LOVE used bookstores! They always smell like books and amazingness.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

movie review!

I watched Twilight again today. For the 7645538th time (that's a rough estimate). Anyhoo(ters), I realized 2 things: a) I haven't done a movie review for a while, and b) I haven't reviewed Twilight yet! (gasp!) So here we go.

Twilight: Thumbs up!

I really like this movie. A lot. While it does differ from the book slightly, I still like it. I mean, pretty much any movie that is based on a book is gonna be slightly different, and I'm ok with that. I do kinda wish they would have included more interaction with the Cullen family, but oh well.

Some things:

This guy. Robert Pattinson. Yeah, he's amazing. I'm pretty sure we should be friends.

This scene. Greatest thing ever. Rob knows how to rock those Ray Bans. Like it is nobody's business.

I want her hair. For reals.

A few more things I noticed/realized during this viewing:
1) The baseball scene is one of my favorites. It made me fall in love with Emmett Cullen even more, and kinda discover my love for Jasper Hale (who is always in pain). And it made me want to play baseball. And anything that can do that is impressive. Cause let's face it:
Me+baseball (or any sport really)=not a good relationship.

2) How the crap was Billy Black driving that truck?! You know, when he was going to the Swan residence and he and Ed had that little death stare going on. I don't understand.

3) Speaking of death stares, that one at the end between Jake and Ed....awesome. I got really excited for New Moon and Eclipse when I saw that.

So anyways...go watch Twilight. I'll watch it with you if you want.

(I have a couple more movie reviews coming soon. I promise. But right now, I'm kinda busy....sad news. But just be patient. :) )