Monday, April 5, 2010

My mom meets Twilight.

So, my mother has never seen Twilight.
I never made her cause I knew she wouldn't like it.
I guess now that opening sentence should be "my mother HAD never seen Twilight."
Cause, today she watched part of it with me.

Twilight is now playing on Showtime.
And as I was looking for something to watch earlier today, I saw that it was playing.
Obviously I turned it on.
Not too soon later, Momma got home from work.
As she was sitting in the living room working on some stuff, she started to watch it with me.
I should have introduced her to TLight earlier.
Cause I have never laughed so much in my entire life.

When she started really paying attention was around the baseball scene.
This is one of my favorite scenes of the movie.
So, we're watching and I hear her giggling.
And then Edward starts running. And she started to lose it.
"Woah. He can run fast. Oh and he can throw the ball fast too."
Next Cullen steps up to plate.
"Let's see if he can run fast too. Oh yep."
Now when the bad vamps come into scene, my mother totally lost control of herself.
When Laurent comes up with the baseball and says,
"I believe this belongs to you."
Momma started in.
I have never seen her laugh so hard at a movie in my life.
Especially one where it wasn't made to be funny.

Mom says random things all the time.
It is where I get it from I have determined.
Put that with Twilight, and we have some real winning lines that I will now share with you.

Edward: Rosalie mark the tree.
Mom: What did he say?
Me: He told her to mark the tree. She's wearing Bella's clothes so they can throw him off the track.
Mom: Oh. I thought she was gonna have to pee on it or something.
Me: No Mom. They don't pee.
Mom: They don't pee?! Ever?!

Mom: So how do you kill one of these vampires here?
Me: Rip 'em apart and burn the pieces.
Mom: What?! What if you don't burn them? Is there just moving body parts laying around?
Me: I don't know. I've wondered the same thing.
Mom: What happened to just stabbing them with a wooden stake?

And my personal favorite:
Has anyone tried using garlic on these guys?

Maybe sometime I could introduce her to New Moon.

1 comment:

Courtney_0624 said...

Hahaha, your Mom sounds great! Can't imagine what she would think of New Moon!