Monday, March 29, 2010

Some things.

Hello blog readers/people who may stumble here.
You prolly shouldn't expect me to be around much in the next 3 weeks.
My show opening is 3 weeks from tomorrow. Hanging is 3 weeks from yesterday.
So things have to be finished 3 weeks from Saturday.
I fully plan to not sleep and/or bathe much in the next couple of weeks.
Or eat any real food.
But before I leave you for a while, I give you this bit of fun that I wrote in my Economics class while I was supposed to be watching a movie.
Seriously, this whole post is written on a piece of paper.

Dear my Economics partner,

I'm sorry I never pay attention in class. And therefore never know what we're doing during the in-class assignments where we are grouped together. Maybe eventually I'll find it interesting. But don't count on it.

Your Econ partner

Dear sick girl in my class,

Please don't come to class sick. I don't have time to be ill right now. You know what, feeling sick? Maybe you should go to the hospital. (Woah! Throwing some Jacob B. at you.) Anyways, you better not get me sick.

Not sick girl in your class

Dear Edward Cullen action figure,
I finally broke down and bought you. You should know I was a little intoxicated when I did. Anyways, I finally bring you home and what happens?? Your freaking head falls off.
Does this mean I just have to "burn the pieces"?


Dear Taylor,

I love us. For a lot of reasons (remember this?). But today I love that you texted me to tell me Fuse was having 8 hours of Lady Gaga. And I love that we then proceeded to text Gaga lyrics back and forth while I sat in class. My favs:
ME: Rah rah rah ah ah. Rah ma rah ma ma. Gaga ooh la la. Want your bad romance.
YOU: some foreign words bad romance
Are there even foreign words in Bad Romance? I was seriously holding back laughter in class. Fantastic.


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