Sunday, February 14, 2010

Why Taylor and I are awesome.

On Saturday, some friends of ours had a 5 year wedding anniversary dance.
Obviously, we went.
And we danced the night away.

So, at one point, we decided to have a little dance off with his cousin and her boyfriend.
We didn't really tell them about this dance off, but whatever.
So while they were all dancing with each other all coupley, what were we doing?
Fist pumping.
A la Jersey Shore style.
Please note: I have never seen an episode of Jersey Shore. But I do know what a fist pump is, and it is my new favorite dance move.
Fo reals.

Later when we were talking of our dance off, Taylor's brother asked us why we were fist pumping.
Taylor's response: Because we're awesome.

It is true.

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