Monday, February 15, 2010

Average Wizard.

It is no secret, I love me some Rob Pattinson.
And I'm not really going to be getting into the whole "I'm allergic to vaginas" thing.
Cause I don't really know what to say to that....
Rob is a crazy lad who says crazy things.

Anyways, I was on Average Wizard reading the awesomeness that fellow Harry Potter nerds like myself post on there.
And I came across this one:

"Yesterday, my friends and I went to the Harry Potter exhibit in Boston. There was a section with Draco's quidditch robes, Oliver Wood's quidditch robes, and Cedric's. Usually with the costume captions, they say the character name and then the actor name. They left Cedric's actor name out. Take that, Robert. HPIM"

Well, this little post made me decide to get an account on Average Wizard, cause I had something to say about this.
And you can only comment if you have an account.
What was my comment? This:

"I actually saw this when it was in Chicago. The reason why they didn't have Rob's name is because he wasn't playing Cedric when those robes were used. Cedric never played Quidditch in Goblet of Fire. Those robes are from Prisoner of Azkaban, when Hufflepuff is playing Gryffindor before Harry falls from his broom. And that Cedric wasn't played by Robert."

Yep. I totally corrected this person.
Just call me nerd.
Well, after other people had commented saying that I beat them to the punch (ha!), someone posted this comment:

"Well, still, Robert doesn't deserve to have his name listed among the greatest Hogwarts stars of all time. The traitor."

Nah uh. You did not just call Rob a traitor. I didn't let this fly.
My response:

"I reallllly don't think that makes him a traitor. Just makes him an actor doing his job..."

Seriously. Just because he has been in other movies does not make him a traitor.
I kinda wanted to start a fight with this person, not gonna lie.
I thought that would be fun.
But since then, they haven't responded yet.
And 5, yes 5, people have "downed" me.

I still love you Average Wizard.

1 comment:

cdubs said...

You are SO awesome defending our rpatz' virtue! I LOVE harry potter too! But I'm not nearly as committed to it as I am to twilight, so it's good you're out there keeping dumb people in check =)