Saturday, February 20, 2010

My hair.

I have this really irrational fear of letting other people cut my hair besides my one hairdresser back home.
She is the only one I will let cut my hair.
Other people have styled my hair for prom, and I even let Kaitlin dye my hair once, but she is the only one to cut it.

Until today.

Normally I would just wait until I got home for a long break to get a haircut, so I could go to the same person.
But I was really needing a hair cut.
It was starting to look like this:

And not that I don't love KStewie. I really do love her.
But my hair was doing nothing.

So I asked Kaitlin who she went to when she was here and went and made myself an appointment for today.
And I finally got my hairs cut. By someone else.
I mean, I knew she would do fine.
She is skilled and educated in the ways of her trade.
But I always have this weird vision that they will chop off a big chunk of hair and totally screw me over.
But she did good.
I now have an actual hair style, and not just hair hanging on my head.
And I got my bangs back! I missed them.
So, chick at Color Me Red who's name I didn't catch...
you did good.
I will go to you again if needed.

Speaking of KStew up there, have you seen these new pictures of her?

She is super cute and I want to be her friend.
And maybe have her tell me how she got those awesome legs..

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