Thursday, March 25, 2010

Are you kidding me Heidi Klum??

I love me some Project Runway.
I just finished watching tonight's new episode. I missed it when it was first on earlier, so I had to watch when they played it again.
You probably don't care...but whatever.
I have a few things to say about tonight's little session:

First off, I LOVED the challenge. I would kill to create my own printed fabric. Well, I mean I guess I kinda already have...we have had printing lessons in my fibers classes. Can I please be a printed fabric designer?? This is my new career aspiration. For reals.

Alright, now on to the good stuff. I think they kicked the wrong person off. I love Anthony. A lot. He was crazy and so totally gay and I loved everything that came out of his mouth. He has this fantastic personality that I really appreciate. Now, I know that this is a design competition and not a personality competition, but I loved his designs as well. The fabric he made tonight was soooooooo nice. I liked the purple ( know...purple's cool...(name it...first one wins)). I liked most of the dress. The shrug thing was weird and I think he could have left it off, but I liked the main part of the dress.
Mila's dress on the other hand....what. the. frick? I did not appreciate. That was barely even a pattern. Wasn't their pattern a part of the challenge?? And the model couldn't even walk down the runway! That dress was not fab. She isn't one of my favorites really anyways...

With Anthony gone, Seth Aaron is my new favorite. He's rocker and cool and crazy and different. I am rooting for you now.

PS-- My computer is sick again. :( This is no good. I am currently on my mom's computer that she brought up to me today when she had to come to town. But, she forgot the powercord. So I'm using my roommate's. I hope she doesn't mind. Mom's computer doesn't like to format this blogger business like my other one does. This is also no good. Maybe my computer will be fixed soon.

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