Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Olympics.

The Olympics have been on for a while now.
I can't say I've really watched much of them.
Momma will call and ask if I saw some event, and my response is always "no".
With the exception of one event:


I am in love.
I don't know why.
But the only event I have watched this whole Olympics is curling.
It is on all. the. time.
And I am not at all complaining.

I don't know why I am so fascinated by it.
But I always tense up and get excited when they roll the rock down and it almost rolls out of the target.
It is so entertaining!

I told Momma that I wanted to start a curling team.
She has signed up for the person who rolls the rock.
And then I posted it on Facebook, and Taylor, my sister, and my cousin have also signed up to be on the team.
Mom said we could go practice on the frozen ponds.
I said we could use Swiffers for the sweeper things.
Even classier.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

My hair.

I have this really irrational fear of letting other people cut my hair besides my one hairdresser back home.
She is the only one I will let cut my hair.
Other people have styled my hair for prom, and I even let Kaitlin dye my hair once, but she is the only one to cut it.

Until today.

Normally I would just wait until I got home for a long break to get a haircut, so I could go to the same person.
But I was really needing a hair cut.
It was starting to look like this:

And not that I don't love KStewie. I really do love her.
But my hair was doing nothing.

So I asked Kaitlin who she went to when she was here and went and made myself an appointment for today.
And I finally got my hairs cut. By someone else.
I mean, I knew she would do fine.
She is skilled and educated in the ways of her trade.
But I always have this weird vision that they will chop off a big chunk of hair and totally screw me over.
But she did good.
I now have an actual hair style, and not just hair hanging on my head.
And I got my bangs back! I missed them.
So, chick at Color Me Red who's name I didn't catch...
you did good.
I will go to you again if needed.

Speaking of KStew up there, have you seen these new pictures of her?

She is super cute and I want to be her friend.
And maybe have her tell me how she got those awesome legs..

Monday, February 15, 2010

Average Wizard.

It is no secret, I love me some Rob Pattinson.
And I'm not really going to be getting into the whole "I'm allergic to vaginas" thing.
Cause I don't really know what to say to that....
Rob is a crazy lad who says crazy things.

Anyways, I was on Average Wizard reading the awesomeness that fellow Harry Potter nerds like myself post on there.
And I came across this one:

"Yesterday, my friends and I went to the Harry Potter exhibit in Boston. There was a section with Draco's quidditch robes, Oliver Wood's quidditch robes, and Cedric's. Usually with the costume captions, they say the character name and then the actor name. They left Cedric's actor name out. Take that, Robert. HPIM"

Well, this little post made me decide to get an account on Average Wizard, cause I had something to say about this.
And you can only comment if you have an account.
What was my comment? This:

"I actually saw this when it was in Chicago. The reason why they didn't have Rob's name is because he wasn't playing Cedric when those robes were used. Cedric never played Quidditch in Goblet of Fire. Those robes are from Prisoner of Azkaban, when Hufflepuff is playing Gryffindor before Harry falls from his broom. And that Cedric wasn't played by Robert."

Yep. I totally corrected this person.
Just call me nerd.
Well, after other people had commented saying that I beat them to the punch (ha!), someone posted this comment:

"Well, still, Robert doesn't deserve to have his name listed among the greatest Hogwarts stars of all time. The traitor."

Nah uh. You did not just call Rob a traitor. I didn't let this fly.
My response:

"I reallllly don't think that makes him a traitor. Just makes him an actor doing his job..."

Seriously. Just because he has been in other movies does not make him a traitor.
I kinda wanted to start a fight with this person, not gonna lie.
I thought that would be fun.
But since then, they haven't responded yet.
And 5, yes 5, people have "downed" me.

I still love you Average Wizard.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Why Taylor and I are awesome.

On Saturday, some friends of ours had a 5 year wedding anniversary dance.
Obviously, we went.
And we danced the night away.

So, at one point, we decided to have a little dance off with his cousin and her boyfriend.
We didn't really tell them about this dance off, but whatever.
So while they were all dancing with each other all coupley, what were we doing?
Fist pumping.
A la Jersey Shore style.
Please note: I have never seen an episode of Jersey Shore. But I do know what a fist pump is, and it is my new favorite dance move.
Fo reals.

Later when we were talking of our dance off, Taylor's brother asked us why we were fist pumping.
Taylor's response: Because we're awesome.

It is true.

Friday, February 12, 2010

I Ain't Afraid of No Ghosts.

(This is really random...)

So, when I walk to class I like to listen to my iPod.
And I also have very random music on said iPod.
Today, when I was walking back from class, the Ghostbuster's theme song came on.
And it reminded me of elementary/middle school.
When the skating rink was still open in town, we would go all the time.
And whenever the Ghostbuster's theme song would play, everyone would skate.
No matter what you were doing, you stopped and headed to the rink to skate to that song.
It was awesome.

Just a random blast from the past for you.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Super Bowl.

Tonight is the Super Bowl.
Are you excited?
Not gonna lie, my main reason for watching is to see the commercial for the Harry Potter theme park that will be shown.
I think it can be currently found online, but I'm saving myself for the moment when it comes on the tv.
Soooo excited.

Anyways, apparently there is also a football game that happens as well.
And a couple of times on here a long while back, I tried to guess the winners of the football games by seeing which quarterback I liked better.
One time I did super awesome, and another time I sucked it up.
That took forevers to do cause I had to google image all of the players, so I gave up.
But now there are only 2 teams, so I'm bringing it back.
My pick for the winner of the Super Bowl between the Colts and the Saint is........

The Saints.

Here is why.
The Colts' quarterback is Payton Manning.
I actually knew that before.
I'm not that big of a Manning fan (sorry Gooch.....) so he wasn't really up for my choice from the beginning.
Then I looked up the Saints' quarterback.
His name is Drew Brees.
After a Google image search, I found a picture of him with the actor that plays Carlton Banks.
And that helped me make my decision.
Carlton Banks=total win.

So, Mr Brees and the New Orleans Saints, I will be semi-cheering for you tonight.
Taylor would be proud that I'm not cheering for the Colts.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

What I did today.

This morning I was walking to class when I saw the Red Cross van parked outside the Student Union.
That could only mean one thing...the blood drive was today.
I've donated blood a couple of times in the past, 2 of those 3 times resulting in bad events.
Once I almost passed out and once they couldn't get the blood to flow fast enough.
But, it had been a while so I thought about donating again today.

After thinking about it all afternoon, I finally mustered up the courage to go.
Today was the best experience I have had while donating.
Apparently I had exceptional iron levels. At least that's what the dude told me.
Must be all the Flintstone's vitamins and semi-healthy foods I've been eating here lately...

Anyways, after they were finished with all the before stuff, I went to the little bed/table thing where you donate.
They tried in my left arm first, since I'm right handed and all, but the blood wasn't flowing fast enough. This happened once before, remember.
So they moved on to my right arm and got it flowing.

Here's the kicker...I hate needles.
HATE them.
And usually when I donate, I get dizzy and all.
But today....nothing.
I was shocked.
And then I realized that I have been drinking more water and had actually eaten breakfast this morning, so I was fully hydrated and had a good amount of food in me.
Didn't hurt though that the dude taking care of me was nice to look at. And wore nice Ray Ban brand glasses.
Kinda like another dude who wears Ray Bans. Who is also nice to look at.

So anyways, after two needle pricks and some time, I donated my bloods.
And I feel so good about myself for it.

Also, today I bought more fabrics. Just for fun. From the $1.50 pile at WalMarks. I have fun ideas for pillows that will be made with this cheap fabric.