Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Hunger Games

For Christmas, I gave my momma a list of 3 things.
Converse high tops, a DVD player, and the book The Hunger Games.
She was awesome and got me all three things, and then some.

So on Christmas night, I started reading my new book.
I just read a chapter before bed cause it was Christmas and I was tired.
The next day, I read a couple more chapters.
Sunday, I read half the book.
And then I finished it yesterday.
Um, I loved it.
I don't think I've been this into reading a book since I read Twilight.
Well, technically Breaking Dawn, but you get the point.

So, I was going to wait to get the second book, Catching Fire, until we went shopping on Thursday, but I couldn't wait that long.
I went to Btown and got it today.
Only to find out from my momma that she already bought it for me for Valentine's Day.
She said she thought she was going to be on top of things and ahead of herself. Guess she didn't figure that I would read this one so quickly.

Anyways, Peeta Mellark is quickly making his way to my list of fictional boyfriends.
He'd be joining some pretty awesome people.
Ron and Ed and Jim Halpert and all.
Seems like a good party to me.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Twi-nerd moment of the week.

Yo, I'm getting ready to do some spoiling right now.
So, if you are one of the 5 people in the world who hasn't read Breaking Dawn and HP and the Deathly Hallows, I'd stop reading now.

The other day in the shower (I have my best/most random thoughts in the shower) I was thinking about Breaking Dawn.
It is best to not ask questions.
Anyways, the main thought I was having was about the name "Renesmee".
It's a weird name, right?
But then again, she's a weird baby, so she deserves a weird name, right?
Anyhoo, I was thinking about Edward's thoughts on this name.
Because I feel that at the time it was brought up as a possibility, he didn't really think the baby and probably Bella would live.
So therefore, he wouldn't have to deal with his child being named "Renesmee".
And why bring up the stupidity of the name with your dying wife?

So, then I started thinking about after Renesmee was born and everyone was all good and living.
I bet you Edward was all crazy then.
Cause now he has to live with the fact that his kid is named Renesmee.
I bet he was all like, "Ahh poops.* Now we have to actually call the kid that now. I thought she was only kidding at first but apparently this is for real."

Also, I think this is what Ginny Weasley-Potter thought as well.
I'm pretty positive she thought Harry was only joking when he suggested Albus Severus for their child's name.
Only to find out a little too late that he wasn't.

*Yeah, Ed Cullen totally says "Ahh poops".

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sometimes I.....

1. Sometimes I wear purple tights.

Momma's gonna think I'm crazy.

2. Sometimes I think I should always wear a sign that says "I'm an art major."

Yesterday, I was out taking pictures. For my project I have been going to thrift stores. But after I did all that, I had some film left over. So I drove around town taking pictures of things I found. People kept looking at me. I did not care.

3. Sometimes I wear dresses in the middle of December because I don't want to put on real pants.

Pants are overrated. And leggings are more comfortable.
That's why I wore a dress today.

4. Sometimes I laugh at little Whitney and Abby.

Do you see how cute we were?!
Apparently I've liked plaid since the beginning of my years.

5. Sometimes I take fun pictures for Photography class.

I'll make a long post of some of them this weekend sometime.
I also just wanted to say, I don't like being in the dark room by myself late at night.
I'll be the first to admit to you that I am scared of the dark. And I have quite the imagination. So being in the dark for long hours at nighttime is scary business. I scared myself more than anything.

6. Sometimes I make fun things for Taylor's family members.
I can't tell you what it is yet in case someone stumble upon this here blog I have.
But just know, it is fantastic.
After Christmas, I will reveal.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Sad face.

Remember this lovely dress I found and fell in love with?
And decided that if I got moneys for Christmas I would buy it?

Well, I just got back on Modcloth, and it is out of stock.
Apparently other people thought it was fantastic as well.

I am a very sad lady right now.

On a better note, I found another one similar that I like too.
Although, it will probably be sold out soon as well....

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Sing-Off.

Umm...yes please.
After their opening song I was already in love.
I mean..you sing some Queen and you pretty much have me already.

Ben Folds as a judge?!
I love me some Ben Folds.
Thanks to Erin letting me borrow her cd.
Kaitlin and I think he should just sing us his critiques.

I love A Capella groups.
True Men, the all male A Capella group on campus, had their winter concert Friday night.
Goodness, I could listen to them sing all day.

My goal for Christmas break is to watch Glee.
I missed this season because of class and all, so I'm definitely going to catch up when I'm sitting at home with nothing to do.

Alright, well now that I have supplied you with a randomtastic post, I have finals to study for.
Boo finals.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Dear Taylor Lautner,

Hi. I just finished watching you on Saturday Night Live. Yeah, I had to watch it a day later. Sorry, but I have other things to do on Saturday nights than watch tv. That's why I'm thankful for hulu.

Anyways, I just wanted to say you were brilliant. Really. I hadn't watched an episode of SNL all the way through for a really long time. Now I'm starting to wonder why. You brought the funny. And the karate/ninja moves. Those were sweet. Plus, you totally made fun of Twilight. And yourself. Which calls for total win.

So, you know, thanks for making me laugh. Thanks for making out with a picture of Edward Cullen. Thanks for making me realize how awesome SNL is now.


PS-- When are you going to start talking Rob into hosting the show?? I'm trusting you to get on that.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

I am cold. Freezing to be exact. When I get a text from Taylor at 7 in the morning when he is up for work saying that it is 2 degrees outside, I don't want to get out of bed. That actually happened yesterday. And I actually stayed in bed until I absolutely had to get up and walk to class. Brrrrrrrr it was cold.

We also have snow here. It snowed a lot a couple of days ago. I mean, if I didn't have to walk to class and all, I would love the snow. It is really pretty. I like to go and play and have snowball fights and build snowmen. But instead, I have to freeze as I walk to class. Maybe over Christmas break I can enjoy the snow more. Actually, I probably will go and play in it over break.

I want to go take pictures of all the decorations and snow and everything. This photography class has taught me how much I like to take pictures of things. I will have to use my little digital camera for this outing though, since my film camera I use for my class is only black and white. And I feel that color pictures will work better for showing the fancy lights and everything. I may do this soon.

Our little apartment is all dressed up for the holiday. We have the little tree in the living room and the lights up and bows. Last Christmas time, Mom gave me a little Charlie Brown tree. I put it up in my room so I can feel the holiday spirit in there too.

Well, hello Robert Pattinson in my magazine basket.

Is it weird that it was like 30 degrees today, and I found that kinda warm?? And found it not necessary to wear a coat or boots??

Monday, December 7, 2009


It is mine.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

Hastings, the all around entertainment store in this here town, was not having a midnight party for the release of the DVD.
I was not a happy camper.
When Erin and I went to ask, we mentioned that they had a midnight opening for Twilight.
The worker girl thought it was only fair then for them to have one for Harry Potter.
Well, after asking two other people, we came to the conclusion that they were not.
Come on!
It's Harry Potter people!
You're in a college town!
Where most of those students are probably Harry Potter nerds!
Apparently, Twilight is more important to Hastings.

But anyways, WalMarks had it, so we're all good.
Although the chick putting them out was a little crazy and slightly rude.
I was this close (really close) to just snatching one up out of the box and going with it.
Oh well, I've got it now.

Although I'm still a little upset that people aren't giving it as much attention as they did Twilight or will New Moon.
Maybe I'll talk about that more at a later time.....

Saturday, December 5, 2009


I have found a new love in online clothing browsing.
I mean, I've done it before. Obviously.
But I discovered modcloth.com here recently.
And I love to look at their dresses.
They are really cute and pretty.
That's right. Cute and pretty.
And I just found this one.

I want this dress so so so so bad.
It's houndstooth and really cute and I want it.
I can already see myself pairing it with tights and looking all cute.
However, it is around $50.
Which is 50 more dollars that I have to spend on a dress right now.
And I am extremely saddened by this.

Maybe I will get some moneys for Christmas and I can buy it.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thanks Erin.

Erin let me borrow her computer for my iMovie project.
Since she has a mac, and I don't.
And when I get on Erin's computer, I have to hit up photobooth.
Because it is always fun times.
This is what Kaitlin and I did when I was supposed to be working on my project and Erin was in bed.

Yep...I will be purchasing a Macbook the moment I have the chance.