Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Kind of a funny story.

I hope people google that movie title and end up here. Ha!

Anyways, on to the story.

When I moved to the city, I brought what I thought was my sewing machine. As in, I picked up my sewing machine case, felt that something was in it, assumed it was my machine, and went with it. When I went to actually use my machine, I found this.


This is not my machine. It is my mom's. And while I would totally be ok with using Mom's sewing machine, as you can tell from the photo, there is no sewing foot.

You see, I used this machine for my art projects my last semester because it worked better with the technique I was using than my newer computer. And when I was sewing on it I had to use a different foot. And now I don't remember where I put the normal one. Whoooops.

So, after work the other day I went and talked to the sewing machine people to see about getting a new foot so that I could actually sew the pillows I have fabric for. And then this convo went down:

Me: I have a really old Singer machine and I need a new foot for it.
Dude: How old is the machine?
Me: Well, I'm 23. And I'm pretty sure it's older than me.
Dude: .......Ooooook!

But seriously, this machine is older than me. And works just fine. As long as I can get a foot.

Turns out he didn't have any feet in stock for it, so I would have to order. But, apparently I can just remove a part from my machine, attach it to this one, and then use the feet from my new machine.

That would be a lot useful if I had my sewing machine with me. But then I would probably just use it instead. So now I still can't sew those throw pillows.

Friday, February 4, 2011

2nd Annual Super Bowl Prediction.

I did this last year for the Super Bowl (and totally called it by the way). And a few times before that with regular season games. (But those took too long. Thus, only doing it for the big game from now on.) And since the Super Bowl is coming up, it's time to make my prediction for the winner!

Now, if you were here last year and know how I do this, you can skip on ahead. Or continue reading for a fun recap of how I do things.

My mom used to get into the football pots at work. And while all of the guys would obviously pick according to team stats and such, my mom picked by team colors/uniforms/player's names/and the like. She actually won a couple of times. And that is my inspiration for this.

Except I chose by quarterback. Whether he is hot, has a cool name, takes pictures with stars of 90s tv shows (like last year's winner), whatever. I just do a Google image search of the quarterback of the team and go from there.

This year's contenders: Charlie Batch from the Pittsburgh Steelers and Aaron Rodgers from the Green Bay Packers.

I'm not gonna lie, I've pretty much already chosen the winner based on names solely. I'll get to that later. But, I'll give the other guy a chance and do the Google search anyway.

Charlie Batch kinda looks like John Legend. Not gonna lie. He's got this cute smile thing going for him. And, he took his picture with Santa.

Now, if this is a recent picture of Aaron Rodgers, he is in desperate need of a haircut.

But there were other pictures of him sans long hair, and he's aight I guess.

Now, here's the deal: remember how I said I had pretty much already chosen my winner based on their names alone? Well, Mr Batch didn't have much of a chance. Because my mother's maiden name is Rodgers. Spelled the same way and everything. Which leads me to believe that Aaron Rodgers and I could be long lost cousins. And how can I cheer against my cousin?! (Unless that cousin plays for the Bfield Bulldogs. But that's another story. And has never happened.)

In conclusion, Charlie Batch: Sorry about your bad luck. And Aaron: from cousin to cousin, go get a haircut. And good luck game day. Because I'm rooting for you.

**EDIT**: So, apparently I forgot about Ben Roethlisberger. Who also has a cool name. And is quarterback for the Steelers. I should do more research. Doesn't matter. Rodgers that!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blizzard of Oz 2011.

First things first: I don't know who came up with that name, but I love them for it. Blizzard of Oz? GENIUS!

Alright, so like a lot of the country, we got some snow. Well, quite a bit of snow. So, when I got out to my car to leave for work, I couldn't get it out. As in, it won't budge. Needless to say, I did not make it into work this morning.

This evening I decided to go out and try it again because I have to work again tomorrow. Wanna know how I ended up getting this:


out of the snow? Two little tricks.

1. Use what you have.
I used to keep a shovel in my trunk. But somehow it was taken out of the trunk and never put back in. So what did I use instead? This:


This is a little plastic seat that my mom used to sit on to relieve pressure in her back. Thankfully, she left it in the trunk of the car when the car was passed down to me. Because it was either use this, or a small spade that I had in the car from some art class. (I acquired a lot of rando tools from art classes..)

2. Floor mats are really helpful.


When I scooped all of the snow out from under and behind the tires, and it still wasn't moving, I put floor mats from the car behind the tires so that the tire had something to grip onto instead of the ice on the road. I seem to remember trying this one other time and the floor mat just flew out the front of the tire, which was humorous, but not at all helpful. Not this time! Worked like a gem.

I was pretty proud of myself for being resourceful. And I know it doesn't look like it would be hard to get my car out of that amount of snow, seeing as there isn't a whole lot piled around it, but the durn thing wouldn't move. And do you like how whoever scraped the lot scraped around my car. Yeah, me too.

Now I get to go to work in the morning! Hopefully the roads don't suck.